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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. the trapper will recover your pelt https://support.rockstargames.com/articles/360011467353/Unable-to-skin-Legendary-Animals-or-losing-their-pelts-in-Red-Dead-Redemption-2
  2. http://thefederalist.com/2019/01/18/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-setting-women-back-light-years-politics/
  3. We don't need no education We don't need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom Teachers leave them kids alone Hey, teachers, leave them kids alone All in all you're just another brick in the wall
  4. It's not like the military just hands them an M4 and drops them off in the desert. There is structure, order, and discipline that are lacking in college safe spaces and puppy rooms
  5. IIRC Jimmy was killed off at the end of the second season
  6. sorry, my bad. i forgot Canadians don't react well under pressure let me rephrase so as not to offend your delicate sensibilities. so if i were to politely ask to you to provide an argument other than #orangemanbad, would you be willing to provide a response other than #orangemanbad
  7. and when it came time for dessert, he asked for two scoops
  8. so when pressed to provide an argument other than #orangemanbad, you regurgitate #orangemanbad
  9. can you provide an argument other than #orangemanbad
  10. or perhaps the american teams provide a better chance at success than the canadian teams you were the one crowing about the preponderance of canadian players in the nhl. but why do canadian players choose to not play in canada?
  11. I agree that marijuana use should be legalized. However I also think that employers should be allowed to discriminate against employees or prospective employees that test positive. State and Federal agencies should be allowed to deny benefits to applicants or recipients that test positive People should be free to choose whatever lifestyle they want. But they should also not be shielded from the consequences of their choices
  12. but is it fair for you to have paid a quarter?
  13. explain how it doesn't work like that? free agents are free to sign with any team they want. so why do canadian free agents choose to sign with american teams?
  14. And when their rookie contracts expired, how many Canadian players opted to sign with Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, etc vice Pittsburgh, Columbus, Washington, Vegas, or other American teams
  15. Everyone pays taxes in some form or another A better argument in my opinion is that a net consumer of public services should not be allowed to vote for additional benefits at the expense of net producers
  16. Full of Canadians and Europeans that came to America in search of a better life
  17. https://tech.slashdot.org/story/19/01/19/2215211/venezuelas-government-blocks-access-to-wikipedia When Socialists don't like details, they just don't want you to see them
  18. Why should you? You wait for the United States to do the dirty work then follow up for the spoils. Kinda like an international remora
  19. i have doubts whether intelligent life exists on earth
  20. i made it about 15 minutes into the first episode where they go the ski resort before turning it off. does it get entertaining at some point?
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