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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. are you implying that justice should be served by a select elite? how very aristocratic
  2. Cougars spawn in the western part of the map and also in the Northeast around the waterfall. When you reach the epilogue and Blackwater / Beechers Hope and New Austin opens up there are a few other spawns. I've been attacked right outside Beechers Hope a few times and the most consistent spawn Ive found was near the Trapper at the very western edge of the map. If you care about the pelt quality, kill the cougar wit a poison arrow. Hit them in the sweet spot and it will wander off and die. If you don't care about the pelt or harvesting resources, dynamite arrows will one shot anything. Fire arrows also work and you get to watch it run around on fire.
  3. Since he doesn't contribute anything else, he should bring us some Tim Hortons
  4. he's kinda like you, but from the old Police Academy movies
  5. If i was going on a long term military expedition, I would go with Picard if i was going on a Viking raid, I would go with Kirk
  6. https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/426288-only-a-matter-of-time-before-the-social-media-mob-comes-for-you
  7. who better to fight The Establishment than a member of The Establishment. It's like hiring a Patriots* assistant coach because you want to beat the Patriots*
  8. When he opened the box he was disappointed to find a saliva test kit. He was hoping to donate another fluid
  9. If Tibs ever wants to be anything more than the PPP Village Idiot, now is his moment to make that first step
  10. Make a note, Tibs praised Congressional Republicans or did Obama make that happen too?
  11. you were born white and are therefore guilty how long until mainstream candidates start floating the idea of whiteness laws and eventually a final solution to the whiteness problem
  12. that's like asking water to apologize for being wet. tibs is gonna tib, it's what he does
  13. Nobody is disputing an accurate calendar is important. As discussed an accurate calendar is essential in the planting of crops. But it also necessary for a variety of sciences, business purposes, and a reminder that has been 731 since Hiliary Clinton was not sworn in as President
  14. the SPLC or ACLU would probably offer them a lifetime appointment
  15. what? No love for Constantinople? You know, the city that kept Greco-Roman culture alive for the thousand years or so that Western Europe was in the Dark Ages. The city that all trade passed thru until it fell to Islam, causing Europe to seek a new route to the Orient. A route that some Italian working for the King of Spain tried to find by sailing to the West and opening a New World
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