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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. https://www.bloombergquint.com/onweb/telegraph-to-pay-melania-trump-substantial-damages-for-article#gs.Nu7AFcN1
  2. but whoever is giggling is usually the culprit
  3. i agree with this statement and bolded the key point. my opinion is the human factor is negligible compared to the solar and geothermal, and that reducing one's carbon footprint is up to the individual, not enforced by a central authority
  4. Except I don't have a wart on my nose. So i have to question your ability to identify a target
  5. I'm pretty pro Second Amendment, but I believe there should be restrictions on Canadians. Not because I'm afraid of the guns, but I don't just don't trust Canadians with anything more dangerous than a Pez Dispenser
  6. I'm fairly certain that the words Rocky, Twinkies, and Cockroaches have all been banned by SJW well of course he won't be shot by you. you're canadian, and canadians can't be trusted with anything more dangerous than a pez dispenser
  7. In celebration your new Churchill avatar
  8. Nice. But I would have gone with 2017 - Episode I: The Phantom Collusion 2018 - Episode II: Attack of the NPC 2019 - Episode III: Revenge of the SJW 2020 - Election year interlude between sagas 2021 - Episode IV: A New Hope of Impeachment 2022 - Episode V: CNNMSNBCABCBSBuzzfeedFusion Strikes Back 2023 - Episode VI: Return of the Independent Council 2024 - Episode VII: Nikki Haley Announces
  9. wanted to kill jihadi's but haj darted?
  10. https://apnews.com/6cf8234a7a5a492eabfa4b0e319f2ec3 What could possibly go wrong?
  11. https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/24/opinions/doomsday-clock-two-minutes-to-midnight-brown-perry/index.html Does anybody take these clowns seriously? Yeah me neither, but I when I saw this headline it gave me an excuse to post some classic Iron Maiden
  12. Trump is destroying the media He is literally super mecha hitler sharknado
  13. The thing I love about doomsayers like AOC is when their dire predictions do not come to pass we cam mock them but if one of the doomsayers is ever right, they won't be able to mock us because we'll all be dead
  14. 70% of 60 guilders means the Indians owe 42 guilders tax for the sale of Manhattan Island
  15. I was talking to my Dad a few days ago and he mentioned seeing one legged goose. He didn't have a nervous breakdown or anything, he just thought it was kind of cute hopping around on one leg Anyone know where this chick had her life changing moment? It might have been the same goose
  16. The Great Escape, Hacksaw Ridge, Tora! Tora! Tora!
  17. amazing how removing a single letter could drastically change a sentence
  18. i recently heard an interesting conspiracy about reading the Constitution: Teaching cursive has been gradually phased out over time so that common people could not read the original document and the wording could be manipulated in print versions
  19. What if you used a replicator time replicate a hammer. Who owns the hammer and anything you use to build with it Or what If you replicate a hammer to build another replicator to build another hammer?
  20. Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner That is what I'd really like to be Because if I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner Then everyone would be in love with me
  21. i should be allowed to have an animated avatar
  22. I got mugged in Saint Denis, chased the punk, hogtied him and carried him to the police station...and the cops went after me Also tried taking the Vampire to the St Denis police station, but nobody noticed i brought in somebody that had killed several people
  23. facts are irrelevant, The Narrative is what matters
  24. as you are walking around town, just greet random people friendly. if they are rude to you select the diffuse option. it's slow but it builds up
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