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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. This is CNN https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cnn-chyron-falsely-identified-ralph-northam-as-republican-during-segment-on-blackface-kkk-yearbook-controversy
  2. Virginia borders Maryland/DC. This happened in the early 80s..... Maybe that's Kavanaugh in the white hood on his way to a rape party
  3. Bad news for the Clinton machine. Terry McAullife was going angling be their 2020 proxy Northram was Terry McAullife's Lieutenant Governor How much of Northram's stink rubs off on McSleazy
  4. how is intentionally calling the police and fabricating a story like this a "misunderstanding" Dude knew what he was doing. This was either a horribly planned publicity stunt or an ill conceived political statement to warn America of the dangers of white boys in MAGA hats
  5. Maybe he can share a cell with Jared when he's doing time for filing a false police report
  6. yeah make fun of the designated driver and pressure them into drinking
  7. Not voting for Democrats
  8. only because she got caught and believes the deplorables are not enlightened enough to understand why she had to do what she did
  9. Doctored? No Well thought out? No Her own thoughts? No Regurgitated Leftist talking points? Yes
  10. i'm pretty sure B-Man is a white guy, and white guys using Morgan Freeman in a meme is probably some form of cultural appropriation. Which makes B-Man some kind of literal super mecha hitler If Josh Allen uses a crescent wrench does that still count as an Allen wrench?
  11. okay Tgreggggggy, I've got a rabbit hole for you to chase Could the Pentagon Pyramid and "leaked" footage from the UN be a false flag to misdirect attention away from an upcoming black op?
  12. Second star to the right and straight til morning
  13. i haven't played RDR2 in about 2 months and never got into fishing. the best luck i had was running over a fish riding thru a stream speaking of gators and fishing, one time i tried fishing i moved to a few different spots and ended up a distance away from my horse. so i'm minding my own business fishing when i notice a my horse fall to the ground, thrash around a second, get up, and run away with a gator in brief pursuit
  14. Looks like the kind of hipster douchebag behind the counter at Gamestop. But he's only there until he publishes that killer indie game he's been working on
  15. coincidentally, about 20 tons of gold went missing from Venezuela https://www.foxnews.com/world/russian-plane-in-venezuela-takes-20-tons-of-gold-flies-to-unknown-location-lawmaker-claims
  16. I'd put them at the front of the landing craft or first off the chopper to draw fire away from the rest of the unit
  17. Schultz didn't build that mocha. Somebody else made that happen
  18. dude could build a settlement out of coconut trees and keep a radio running for years with no batteries but he couldn't figure out how to patch a hole in a boat or astro-navigate a way home
  19. in 100 years current New York voters will be dead and still voting Democrat
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