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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. don't sound so surprised. she's serving her primary constituents => SJW, illegal aliens, and terrorists
  2. and on a related note, even microsoft says it's time to stop using internet explorer https://mashable.com/article/microsoft-stop-using-internet-explorer-browser/#iOFhn93Dkmq6
  3. why haven't the defenders of womens rights banded together to protest the allegations against Fairfax in the form of p*ssy hats, hand maiden outfits, group screams, or pounding on the door of the state legislature
  4. anyone ever notice Putin looks like Terry Bradshaw?
  5. Read your contract Jake. When you signed on with CNN you agreed to cut off any vestige of dignity you may have left
  6. i recall back when USMCA was negotiated some SJW were upset that the treaty name only gave Mexico letter while the US and Canada got two
  7. Scientific error is irrelevant, The Narrative must be preserved
  8. Wasn't too long ago Trump was supposed to be an unhinged warmonger set to unleash WWIII https://www.theverge.com/2016/12/11/13903336/donald-trump-nukes-nuclear-weapons-proliferation-legal-psychological-barriers
  9. That's what we have TGreggggggy for
  10. why does stuff like that usually seem to happen in florida
  11. Why raise the issue of a state senator of the opposition part that holds a one seat majority in the state senate hmmmm
  12. Ralph Northram claims to have done some moonwalking
  13. i suspect you would be significantly outgunned by a few denizens of PPP
  14. ESPN does try to squeeze in one NFL game a week, college games in the fall, and some NBA games in the middle of the SJW virtue signaling
  15. Why would you make her move? All she should have to do is self-identify as a legal resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia As a citizen of Scott's district, I can say without a doubt that he is a douche canoe
  16. Does a replacement LG have to be approved by either house of the Virginia legislature. Both of which are controlled by Republicans
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