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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. if true, JS and friends should be charged with a hate crime
  2. https://chicago.cbslocal.com/2019/02/13/first-time-gun-buyer-demand-surge-foid-card-cook-county/
  3. California love https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/02/14/majority-of-california-residents-want-to-leave-poll/
  4. is it made with real pandas?
  5. Did the GEICO Caveman go SJW?
  6. A fool and their money are soon parted. And when that fool has no money they vote for people like AOC to confiscate the wealth of others by force
  7. Trump forces millions off public assistance programs
  8. the plan is to have everything in place by 2030 and according to AOC, if we don't take drastic measures the world will end in 12 years So why are Senate Democrats opposed to bringing this up for a vote?
  9. i don't envy you today. those have to be some depressing talking points emails sent out by your overloads
  10. Was it really necessary to include this bit of information in the article: Barking is a common form of communication which dogs use to express their feelings and gain the attention of those nearby.
  11. Random question About how much of El Chapo's assets were seized by the DEA and can Trump divert it to fund The Wall?
  12. Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack... https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/02/12/peanuts-cracker-jack-banned-minor-league-park-pro-sports-first/2846703002/ It's Colorado, I wonder if you can buy those special brownies instead...
  13. a few months ago i was in a bank drive thru when i noticed a minivan with a Hillary 2016 bumper sticker. a vehicle which i other wise would never have noticed or paid any attention to if it wasn't for the thud/crunch sound when they tore the drivers side mirror off against the drive thru console
  14. stream it for free on meadazon prime
  15. "more than 700" victims of "roughly 380" Southern Baptist Church leaders still averages out to fewer victims per Baptist than Edward Buck's body count
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