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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. i didn't vote for him in 2016 and i likely won't vote for him in 2020 I live in the reliably blue state of Virginia, dominated by swamp creatures to the north. if the old dominion is in a 2020 tossup category then Trump has already won however in in the unlikely event that my job were to relocate to somewhere like pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, florida, or ohio; I would likely reconsider
  2. funny that you consider guns to be a "vice". and i don't recall anyone clamoring for background investigations to buy a bag of weed. so what do you think i'm qualified to cry about?
  3. As a fan of REM I know their politics slant well to the Left. Which is further proof of Trump's prowess as a troll. i'm starting to wonder if that thing on his head is some kind of D&D trinket that gives a boost to his troll ability
  4. When their leaks expose malfeasance and corruption of Republicans, they are national heroes When their leaks expose malfeasance and corruption of Democrats, they are traitors
  5. that's not a bat boy, that's gary busey
  6. given the information available at this moment in time, i see two possible scenarios. both result in a hate crime by smollett 1 - smollett was involved in planning and executing a hoax that exploited political and racial tensions. 2 - smollett was attacked by individuals known to him. rather than co-operate with law enforcement he bore false witness to benefit from the attack by exploiting political and racial tensions
  7. Never had Culvers nor In N Out. Nearest Culver is several hundred miles away and In N Out looks like a West Coast thing So I'll have to go with bilzfancy and say 5 Guys BK is probably the only fast food joint near his laundromat
  8. they can't really blame acosta for not putting them on CNN. CNN has enough trouble finding air time for all of their 23 member expert panel of talking heads. wouldn't want to cut into anna navarro's finger nail trimming
  9. agree that lennon was a turd disagree on grunge nirvana wasn't trash but they are overrated. alice in chains and stone temple pilots have held up better over time 2pac, biggie. meh. don't care. i do know that tupac spelled backwards is caput i prefer revolvers to semi-autos. for semi-autos, i prefer striker fired over hammer if i have to go thru a background check to purchase an ar15, anyone complaining about me buying an ar15 should also be required to go thru a background check. before anyone is allowed to cry about semi-automatic fire arms they should be required to take the NRA beginners fire arms class, handle an unloaded firearm, and engage in supervised range time. at least try to understand the thing you want to ban
  10. israel's wall has been highly effective in keeping out illegal mexicans
  11. not enough hands to shift gears, text, vape, and drink that super tall latte grand frappa diabetic double caffinated mocachino
  12. i haven't dived into the crypto market yet but if i were to do so, bitcoin is not my first choice. the value of a bitcoin has dropped to less than the cost to mine https://news.slashdot.org/story/19/02/03/2242248/bitcoin-is-worth-less-than-the-cost-to-mine-it meadcoins on the other hand have consistently held their intrinsic value of nothing
  13. Fairfax's political career is over. Rollins is probably in the Democrat bullpen for a future office and has been given the green light to investigate a disgraced out of state party member to show that she is both tough on crime and non-partisan.
  14. don't worry. there will be some rebooted Russia collusion narrative or two scoops of ice cream outrage to fade the Smollet hoax out of memory
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