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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. /thread_winner
  2. Have you seen the murder rate in Chicago? This sh*tshow diverted resources away from the CPD that should have been used for Chicago's many legitimate problems
  3. The Media didn't fail. They did exactly what they were supposed to do The failure belongs to those those damned deplorables who failed to accept The Narrative and the legal system with their outdated concepts of due process
  4. $5B for Trump's Wall to protect the border vs Obama's 700B Stimulus to "save the economy" Both projects are "shovel ready". One just shoveled a bigger pile of sh*t than the other
  5. #freetheweiner #carlosdangerisloose
  6. michelle malkin
  7. only game Congress is good at is Pin The Blame On The Other Party. And Democrats seem to enjoy Orangeman Pinata
  8. If at first you don't succeed, try again https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/760102/titanic-replica-disaster-china-rms-romandisea-qi-river-wuchang-shipbuilding-pictures
  9. if were crowley i would keep my powder dry until late this year or early next year. then put up a billboard in the middle of the district with the "crazy eyes" meme one half and a smirking crowley on the other with the caption "miss me yet?"
  10. they taxed people they didn't like so they could get free stuff. no wonder democrats love islam
  11. Republicans are the party of fiscal responsibility only when they are in the minority When in the majority they are Democrat lite
  12. I believe it was Stalin who said a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic Updating that quote for the SJW Internet age, a single slight against a brown skinned person or LBGTQ person is an outrage. A slight against a million cis white males is acceptable i doubt you'll see him at a drive thru anytime soon. After the dust settles, MSNBC or The Young Turks will offer him a podcast
  13. i love the skycam view on the AAF website with no announcer.
  14. i see a quote from an article but no video sorry, but video or it didn't happen. MSM won't give that quote the time of day. video on the other hand sinks any Presidential campaign
  15. of course all those white people are gonna blame the black guy
  16. Imagine that, Nigerians involved in a scam
  17. You know him from the "Hitler Finds Out" videos on Youtube (taken from German film Downfall) https://www.theguardian.com/film/2019/feb/16/bruno-ganz-actor-who-played-hitler-in-downfall-dies-aged-77
  18. moose have been known to hang around some squirrelly friends
  19. i think there's more people talking about the AAF on TSW than there are in the Birmingham stands
  20. more like used toilet paper
  21. and the dilly dilly king is pretty good in it
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