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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. did they spend the money an a study or propaganda? Because whenever I go to BK their fries taste like ass. maybe it's just the BK's around here, one I'll grant you is pretty ghetto
  2. i thought teachers weren't supposed to push religion
  3. The Earth's climate has been changing for four and a half billion years. What concerns me is the bolded part. The declining numbers of "believers" to monotheistic religions has been accompanied by an increase in "believers" in Climate Change. Some people need an "absolute truth" to believe in and get upset when somebody challenges the basis of their faith. History has shown time and again how those absolute truths and their followers have been manipulated by those in power for their own advancement
  4. Jussie deserves a Nobel Peace Prize
  5. another feather in the cap of central planning
  6. just make the dna sample part of the democrats registering their new voter
  7. disney has been cutting off their intellectual properties from other distributors in advance of their streaming service
  8. why is that reporter focusing so much attention on her remarks on Smallette when there are more important issues to discuss. Like her snazzy new jacket!
  9. Obama was usually very polite and cordial when he told us there is no smidgen of corruption in any of the agencies he weaponized against political opponents
  10. https://chicago.cbslocal.com/2019/02/18/jussie-smollet-motive-staged-attack/ anyone else see the irony of gay guys shopping at a store called The Crafty Beaver?
  11. McDonalds and Five Guys FTW One franchise I don't see rated on that list (and this may just be because they're not in the LA market) is Bojangles. Bojanges fries are some salty goodness Considering how much money McD's makes on their fries, I wouldn't call that research a waste Capitalism wins again
  12. If the Democrats win the Senate in 2020 we'll hear about it again. And possibly Gorsuch
  13. Is there a similar mechanism in place to replace a Supreme Court Justice who may not be able to fulfill their duties?
  14. you know this sh*t went south fast when Al Sharpton is condemning Smollett
  15. How could we? He reminds us every day
  16. In 1969 America sent three men to the Moon Half a century later this is where are
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