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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. political disagreements with barack obama, kamala harris, corey booker, etc does not make you racist
  2. Any descendants of slaves that receive reparations should be required to pay reparations to descendants of Union soldiers killed in action
  3. After declaring a non member to be a member, can they also declare non-member members to have voted Democrat regardless of whether they actually voted
  4. At least he didn't Rosen the bathroom
  5. They do not scorn the man because of the crime he committed in Chicago. They scorn him because his actions shined a light on the inherent bias of the media industrial complex
  6. Followup questions might have conflicted with The Narrative and disrupted SJW from this weeks episode of Two Minutes Hate
  7. A TGreggggggggy script can break an actor
  8. why pooping called "taking a dump"? you're not taking anything, you're leaving it
  9. white guy + black eye = cultural appropriation
  10. The Obama Library would be incomplete without a pallet of unmarked foreign currency
  11. but it's okay when the left does it, because they're fighting super literal mecha nazi hitler fascists.
  12. if the bills do sign him, every time makes a big play, new era should let out a Heeeeeeeeeath cheer For those who don't get the reference, James predecessor in Pittsburgh was Heath Miller. Whenever Miller made a big play, Heinz Field would let out a collective Heeeeeeeeath cheer. After Miller's retirement, James' big plays were frequently rewarded with a friendly Heeeeeeeeeath
  13. I read Tibs' posts as Special Ed from Crank Yankers
  14. What news gets the headline: Democrats steal election = dog bites man Republicans steal election = man bites dog
  15. Cook County 74.75% - 21.02% for Clinton DuPage County 54.20% - 39.45% for Clinton Kane County 52.20% - 41.66% for Clinton Lake County 57.41% - 36.83% for Clinton https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_election_in_Illinois yeah that's some real MAGA country
  16. Jussie will spend his entire sentence in Protected Custody. Releasing him into GenPop would be too dangerous to The Narrative, because there would be racial harmony and cooperation between the Aryan Brotherhood and the black gangs as they take turns torment him.
  17. that's not how this works champ. you made an assertion. somebody disputed the assertion. it's not up to them to disprove your "common sense" assertion. its on you to back up your claim
  18. so china and not islam?
  19. Minneosta, Nevada, New Hampshire. Maybe Colorado and Virginia, but if either of those are tight Trump has already won Ohio and Florida and is ahead in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin
  20. Hey look, it's Communist Grampa
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