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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Bernie loves to talk about how great Sweden is A former Swedish Prime Minister however isn't too fond of Bernie Feel the Burn!
  2. i'd go swimming in nikki's swamp
  3. If Obama had a son...
  4. Just finished S1 of Future Man Now I need a recharge
  5. I see a lot of Breaking Bad mentioned. I gave up on BB after the first few episodes. Then before season 3 I caught the middle of an AMC marathon and was hooked Game of Thrones was something I heard people talking about but never got around to watching. Then the winter between seasons 3 and 4 there was a snowstorm and I needed something to watch so I binged the first 3 seasons with an occasional sleep break Peaky Blinders had me hooked from the first episode. I remember recommending it to a friend who said they gave up in the middle of the first episode because they couldn't understand the dialog thru the thick accent. Then a couple days later he came back and thanked me, once they cut thru the accent they were hooked
  6. so do you guys at the Soros troll farm have some kind of friendly competition with the Russian trolls? Is there like an industry newsletter or something?
  7. What's Kling's injury status. IIRC he was carted off with a nasty leg injury last week
  8. Trump adversary and Leftist darling Jorge Ramos of Univision has been detained for asking the wrong questions to the President of Venzuela See how the media is mistreated during the Trump Administration?
  9. https://science.slashdot.org/story/19/02/25/2128238/thirty-million-page-backup-of-humanity-headed-to-moon-aboard-israeli-lander
  10. NBC = Universal ABC = Disney CBS = Viacom Fox = Fox Do you really expect the Corporate Media to pull the plug in themselves?
  11. Week 5 (week after next) should be interesting: Orlando at Birmingham
  12. and do the stalls have doors or were they removed? and is there a hole drilled between stalls? asking for a friend. who am i kidding, i'm not really asking for a friend. i'm asking for boyst
  13. Should Trump be allowed to use those semi-automatic assault cannons for the 1812 Overture?
  14. Yeah me neither. I'm gonna watch the San Antonio Commanders @ San Diego Fleet
  15. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/02/24/military-draft-judge-rules-male-only-registration-unconstitutional/2968872002/ Looks like the ladies are going to have to register with the Selective Service
  16. Reliable Sources used to be decent until CNN ran Howard Kurtz out of town
  17. Next time the Democrats win the Presidency they're going to pack the Supreme Court so they can overturn the laws of physics
  18. AOC is the boss and you should just do what she says. Didn't take long for her to show her true inner Leftist
  19. A celebration of America on July 4th? Why hasnt anyone thought of that before?
  20. and they encourage the oppression of Arbor-Americans
  21. i saw a commercial during the AAF games that Taco Bell Nacho Fries are coming back
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