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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Leave It To Gugny DC Tom's Dancing With The Penguins The Bachelor, starring Poojer Introduction to Statistics with Holcomb's Arm
  2. Agree that Vikings is still pretty good but the Floki plot line needs to go away. But I do have to admit, I was having a difficult time accepting the time line this last season Consider the following Season 1: Bjorn is about 13 years old Season 1: Estimate Laegertha gave birth to Bjorn at 20, which makes her 33 Season 1: Plot involves Viking raid on the Lindesnfarne, which occurred in the year 793 Season 1: Given the 3 statements above, estimate Bjorn was born in 780 and Laegertha was born in 760 Season 6: Bjorn and Laegertha flee to England and ally themselves with King Alfred Season 6: Alfred's reign begins in the year 871 Season 6: Bjorn is 91 years old and Laegertha is 111 Oh, I'm going to miss Judith. She was hot
  3. you know if you get caught buying that stuff, by law you will no longer be able to indulge your other fetish
  4. mix of german, french, norse, and latin
  5. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20190220-how-artificially-brightened-clouds-could-stop-climate-change Let's see how the Church of Climate Change reacts to a possible solution to their problem that costs less than their annual conference to discuss their problem:
  6. So is Laura Bush qualified to be President? How about Melania Trump?
  7. Nobody brought you here against your will and you are free to leave whenever you want
  8. allowed and encouraged, numbnuts
  9. Doesn't matter if she has proof or not, you'd still be wrong
  10. I've noticed gun control-freaks like to ask how much ammo someone needs as a lead into why there should be a limit on ammo purchases. So I respond by asking how much toilet paper they need. Do they by single ply or high capacity two ply. Do they buy a single roll at a time, a 9 pack, or the big box stores bulk pack
  11. Loved B5 but that 5th season was some bad TV. And then there was that terrible short lived spinoff with Lumberg as captain of a ship saving humanity from a plague, and somehow there was a wizard in on the spaceship
  12. I'm not saying it wasn't aliens https://edition.cnn.com/2019/02/27/uk/stonehenge-rock-origins-trnd/index.html But it wasn't aliens
  13. 11 seconds
  14. Sons of Anarchy was painful the last few seasons but I stuck with it for some reason. Walking Dead: I never got into TWD and everytime I tried to binge it something came up. I gave up on trying to binge it a year or two ago because everybody says it sucks now SNL has had it's ebbs and flows but the last 15 years or so have been awful and no offense to anyone, but these days it's pretty much just propaganda for the DNC I don't watch reality tv but am surprised shows like Survivor, Big Brother, the Bachelor, etc are still around South Park I will admit has dropped off a little the last few years but a bad South Park episode is still better than most TV shows
  15. Thanatos has been great at harvesting votes for Democrats
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