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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. There are Federal laws and regulations to consider. Granted most of those fall under Congressional jurisdiction. But in the age of the Obamaian Presidency, legislative authority can be easily overruled by the Pen and the Phone
  2. Amazing how after the facts came out, this story seems to have been forgotten
  3. The Inner Party didn't fail to overthrow a legally elected president, the Outer Party just set their hopes too high
  4. You know what's awesome about this. We're not arguing whether or not to trade for Carr because for the first time in a very long time, we already have our QB
  5. Orlando @ Salt Lake played in the snow, as football should be
  6. wouldn't want to rush to judgement without having all the details, amirite?
  7. How dare he issue an unconstitutional executive order requiring public entities respect a constitutional right!
  8. Ivy League educations are the epitome of the saying "its not what you know, it's who you know". If you want to get into law, politics, or a path towards being a corporate executive the Ivy League is a good option Otherwise public universities or small colleges provide better education and training. I would hire a Penn St engineer over an ivy leaguer any day, and I'm just as comfortable at a doctor from the University of Toledo as I would be with an Ivy Leaguer
  9. the only real defense against phishing scams is to not be a dumbass that falls for it Avast will trigger an alert if you click on a sketchy link Avast has a firewall with their paid product, Windows Firewall will do the same job for free Firewalls can be either host based or network based. If you have spare computer parts around the house, look into PFSense (https://www.pfsense.org/download/). I run the Open Source version as my router/firewall and Network Intrusion Prevention System (NIPS)
  10. I remember Hermans Head from a long time ago, but I just couldn't get over the mental block of Lisa Simpson incarnate (Yeardley Smith)
  11. Windows Defender wouldn't be my choice for real time monitoring, but makes a good secondary or tertiary manual/scheduled scanner in case the real time monitor failed to detect a threat
  12. Two different products, both offering free and paid versions I prefer multiple products over all in one suites. If the real time virus scan fails to identify a threat, the manual scan may pick it up later
  13. I assume you're running Windows Avast antivirus for real time monitoring Malwarebytes for manual scans
  14. Chan Gailey is the best option on that list. He was able to hold the locker room together and put together at least a somewhat competitive team given the crap talent the front office provided. Perry Fewell doesn't really have enough body of work to judge Gregg Williams is an excellent co-coordinator but doesn't have the temperament or organizational skills to be a head coach. Mularkey deserves his nickname, Meathead Dick Jauron's picture belongs in the Oxford Dictionary next to the word mediocre Rex Ryan was a sideshow
  15. That would be an awesome protest, instead of a "sit in" have a "fart in"
  16. Did you really just respond with a glorified "i know you are but what am i"
  17. You make it sound so ominous. Her list isn't some fascist enemies list like Nixon had. Her list is a tally of uninformed deplorables that failed to appreciate everything the central authority is doing to better their lives. They just need to be reminded of all the benefits the central authority provides. But there are so many of them that this re-education has to be done in groups. Maybe in like a summer camp. With arts, and crafts, and firing squads, and zykon-b
  18. if we're all gonna die in 12 years, we might as well enjoy the time we have left Let's all jump in our SUVs and get together for a nice marbled ribeye
  19. Nancy (and the DNC) is letting AOC take as much rope as she needs to hang herself ahead of a 2020 primary challenge
  20. i'll keep this in mind next time i have to call HP or Dell
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