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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Her husband is dead. He was John Dingell Jr from whom she inherited the Congressional seat in 2015. John Jr, about 25 years her senior, held the seat from 1955 until his death in 2015 after inheriting the seat from his father John Dingell Sr who held the seat from 1933 until his death in 1955. How is that for Democracy
  2. You know Tom has you on ignore right?
  3. a year or so from now they should do a puff piece on the animal shelter where warrens send bailey after dropping out of the race
  4. Ranked #1 in a recent Gallup survey of why women become lesbians
  5. I'd take it even further. Rather than a defensive pact with Taiwan, I would invite Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, and any other Pacific nation alarmed by Chinese aggression to form a Pacific equivalent to NATO
  6. The stadium in Birmingham is almost empty
  7. As landlord you are responsible for paying local property taxes and pass those taxes along to the tenant. If the local taxing authority raises your rates or increases your assessment, can you pass that increase along to the tenant?
  8. Is one of the medical professions most sought after enema technicians
  9. https://www.bostonherald.com/2019/03/03/howie-carr-smirking-media-bias-against-gop-couldnt-be-clearer/
  10. What Chuck Todd has done to Meet The Press is enough to make Tim Russert roll in his grave
  11. if anyone wanted to investigate some actual russian collusion
  12. Renewable coal? https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/19/03/03/0527251/scientists-turn-co2-back-into-coal-in-breakthrough-experiment
  13. Give them time, the Democrats haven't even got started yet. The next 15 months are going to be a comical circular firing squad
  14. Has landed motion picture roles as the body double for Betty White
  15. That ceremony should be highlighted when tensions are high. It's a reminder of their shared humanity, like in WWI when the English/French and German soldiers in the trenches sang Christmas carols to each other and forged an impromptu truce
  16. i don't believe in any superstitions but i do engage in superstition related traditions No chicken products on New Years (Chickens "scratch back" when they walk) Pork on New Years Day (pigs "snout forward") No meat on Ash Wednesday or Good Friday Growing up these were always a thing on their respective days. Then when I moved out, my Mom would always remind me and I would usually ignore it. Then after my Mom died, I picked up the traditions because it was always important to her
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