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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. if she was flying into or out of London they probably would have told her to wear a burka
  2. I wonder how much attention this gets in the mainstream media https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/karinabland/2019/03/13/he-had-maga-hat-so-she-slashed-his-tire/3141838002/
  3. Democrats definition of a discussion is they talk and you do as you're told. Why do you think they love late night monologues so much.
  4. fully functional, and programmed in multiple techniques
  5. if that ever happened the clintons would be in their rights to sue stanford. all that money and chelsea is still dumb as a rock
  6. The SJW complained about a meme because it was dehumanizing. What will they say about Omar's comments?
  7. but they were only doing it to protect america from super mecha literal hitler sharknado!
  8. can remember the names of his five ex-wives, their children, and all their baby daddies
  9. You can run Windows 95 on an Android phone https://www.techspot.com/downloads/7097-windows-95.html
  10. And like most parents, Tim Berners-Lee is disappointed in his 30 year old adolescent https://tech.slashdot.org/story/19/03/12/140242/tim-berners-lee-says-world-wide-web-must-emerge-from-adolescence
  11. @warcodered if you plan on sticking around PPP, you might want to change your avatar. nothing against you or the avatar, but it is very similar to another one of our more notorious members. a member, if you stick around long enough, you will figure out that you don't want to be confused with
  12. the implementation of meatless mondays and other proposed remedies to global warming climate change chaos disruption are less about carbon and more about control
  13. gay black man has bleach poured over him by MAGA hat wearing white guys = National News (turned out to be a hoax, but still national story) black transgender asks woman if she is white then pepper sprays victim. suspect is being investigated for string of related attacks. National crickets https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2019/03/09/manhattan-harlem-pepper-spray-attack/
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