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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. that's not fair. transplant doesn't have the body of work as The_Dude, Tiberius/Gator, westerndecline, thurmal34
  2. if anyone in this thread has come across as angry (other than The_Douche) it's you. you came to PPP of your own free will but when PPP did not conform to your expectations you criticized the structure and attacked the denizens. nobody asked you to come here nobody is forcing you to stay here nobody is asking you to leave you are welcome to stay you are welcome to leave but understand that your voice is one of many. just because you don't like what the other voices say or how they say it is irrelevant.
  3. 'murca one time at band camp....
  4. It's official https://aaf.com/news/memphis-gets-manziel-alliance
  5. Unfortunately New Zealand does not impose the "ultimate price" Perhaps the events in NZ will make Gavin Newsome reconsider his personal moratorium on performing a part of the job he was elected to do
  6. Arizona @ Orlando looks like the last team to score is gonna win...
  7. and remember, Cillizza is touted as the respectable unbiased journalist wing of CNN
  8. an american nickel or a loony nickel?
  9. but you're going to need somewhere to keep it. like some kind of container, and a container for Canadian money is a Loonie bin
  10. What happened? The Clinton gravy train crashed so all of their sycophants bailed
  11. Jacobins doing Jacobin things And I doubt if the roles were reversed, Chelsea Clinton would come to Trump Junior's defense
  12. so they can feel like they're 'part of the solution, not part of the problem' as unbillevable mentioned above, it's religion. with any religion there are zealots who get their kicks from being a true believer
  13. thurmal34 does come across as an angry drunk
  14. left wing celebrities should call for a boycott of all companies that have offended their accepted groupthink. we saw how effect that was against chik fil-a
  15. not really. But if it helps you sleep better
  16. but you do seem to spend alot of time looking for attention from americans
  17. Anything worth saying is worth saying twice
  18. you're retired, 49, and a dumbass
  19. again, look at my name canadatard you're trying to sound techy using a window file system path to one up a guy with a linux inspired user name
  20. a bit of friendly advice, one difference between american nerds and canadian nerds. when bullying american nerds, the pocket protector is the least of your concerns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB2nmIcSv1s
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