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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. not a fair meme Beta wouldn't lose all 50 states. he would still win California, New York, Illinois, Vermont, Washington, Hawaii, DC, and the rest of the Communist bloc
  2. The new Narrative I'm starting to see floating around is that Trump is going to declare a National Emergency to delay/cancel the 2020 elections or refuse to leave office in January 2021
  3. Just a reminder, it has been 791 days since January 20th, 2017 and Donald Trump is still President
  4. TV movie (HBO) or theatrical release?
  5. Yes but those were paid to those who were interred, not their descendants And as shameful as the Japanese Internment Camps were, they weren't forced labor or extermination camps. Calling the Japanese who were forced there "survivors" is a bit melodramatic.
  6. If digging up threads you started 4 years ago is now a thing What does everyone think about Jim Webb. How does somebody like him fit into the modern Democrat party?
  7. Amazing what happens when the military get the resources and authorization to complete their objectives
  8. The NFL is a cartel and thus does not like competition The NFL has given it's support to the AAF as a developmental league in part to crush the XFL. Not because they see the XFL as a direct threat to the big money or high profile players. But the XFL could lure away the backup/bench/practice squad caliber players and dilute the overall talent pool of the NFL. Also take note of the physical contact rules in the AAF like not having kickoffs and limiting how many defenders can blitz. The limited physical contact is there to keep the players from getting hurt and missing NFL training camp Have you noticed all the empty seats? The AAF is average attendance is about 10,000. They're going for a smaller venue so the stadium is filled
  9. yeah but 49 in Canadian years is like 80 in American
  10. https://www.studyfinds.org/psychedelic-toad-venom-helps-relieve-depression-anxiety/
  11. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/democrats-set-the-wayback-machine-to-the-1930s/
  12. i love how they get all dramatic about the broken bottle of possible cyanide at the bottom of the pit. Then they all agree to proceed with caution...and then they whip out the excavator. because you know, those things are so gentile
  13. Or maybe they could make a movie about it and cast Denzel Washington
  14. Meanwhile in New Jersey What are four words that never end well
  15. Was Kominski an alien from Poland...or Polaris? Ancient Alien theorists contend the answer is potentially maybe
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