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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. It's obviously not you because you're not a white collar kind of guy, you're blue collar And obviously not you, because your job is to wash the collared shirts
  2. Black, White, Brown, Yellow, Red, Gay, Straight, Trans, ***** (really, qu33r is censored ), Republican, Democrat, Capitalist, Communist Show me somebody who doesn't think yawning puppies are adorable and I will show you somebody who deserves to be shot
  3. Nor do they question why a member of Congress holds closed door fundraisers with a group tied to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood https://freebeacon.com/issues/omar-holding-secret-fundraisers-with-islamic-groups-tied-to-terror/
  4. Because major league sports is a cartel with existing franchises in Dallas and Houston. Putting a team in San Antonio or Austin would cut into the market of an existing cartel member.
  5. https://www.freewebheaders.com/full-list-of-bad-words-banned-by-google anal anus arse ass ass ***** ####### ass*****er ####### assshole bastard B word black #### bloody hell boong #### cock*****er cocksuck ***** ***** coonnass crap ***** cyber***** damn darn dick dirty douche dummy erect erection erotic escort ***** ***** ***** ***** off ***** you *****ass *****hole ***** ***** hard core hardcore homoerotic hore lesbian lesbians mother ***** mother***** ***** ***** ***** orgasim ***** penis penis*****er piss piss off porn porno pornography ***** ###### sadist sex sexy ***** slut son of a B word suck breasts viagra ***** xxx
  6. Recognized by the Guinness Book of World Record for most electric fences whizzed on
  7. not to mention all the election tampering that the Russians have been proven to have engaged in are the same tactics that the United States employs in foreign elections around the world. there is even audio from 2006 of a Senator from New York, who would later go on to become Secretary of State and her parties Presidential nominee, suggesting that the United States rig Palestinian elections
  8. FEC complaint filed that Bernie is violating election law by employing foreign nationals https://freebeacon.com/politics/fec-complaint-bernie-breaking-election-law-by-employing-foreign-national/
  9. Or maybe he's sitting in his comfy chair in front of a big screen TV with a Big Mac, a diet Coke, and two scoops of ice cream, just watching the schitstorm and letting his detractors devour each other.
  10. Lefties spent the last two years treating the Mueller report like Santa Claus was going to bring them a new bike But all they got was a pack of socks
  11. Said every media outlet about Trump in 2016
  12. i said what most guys who saw her were thinking you used her suicide to make a not so thinly veiled political statement
  13. no, but i did leave a Remington 870 and a pack of confetti shells for him
  14. On a somewhat related note. I'm not much of a basketball fan but I do know the March Madness thing is a pretty big deal. So much so that I remember there were several years that ESPN would go to the White House for the President's bracket picks. I don't recall seeing ESPN do that the last few years. Did ESPN cut their college basketball budget or is there some other reason ESPN may have decided to stop that tradition?
  15. Schiff: Director Mueller, you were given a mandate and spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to give us the information necessary to impeach the 45th President of the United States. How do you explain this gross incompetence and or mishandling of taxpayer funds?
  16. i disagree most of the folks at CNN, MSNBC, etc knew the Mueller circus would not amount to anything. their heads aren't exploding but with the final submission of Mueller's report they are scrambling to find their next shiny bauble
  17. We should file for reparations from both the descendants of freed slaves and of Confederate soldiers that survived the War
  18. i volunteer to console Marie Harf
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