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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. https://www.foxnews.com/us/police-book-3-in-connection-with-reportedly-targeted-dorm-room-fire
  2. yeah Duck Choad is still running interference for the DNC
  3. except your average TDS snowflake wouldn't get the reference
  4. that you're a blithering idiot? you've made that case on multiple occasions over a period of several years and at least two user names
  5. if the world is ending in 12 years, i better get busy. there are so many places that i want to see before the world ends. that's alot of driving and flying, and eating meat
  6. the romans should have to pay england double reparations. one for the invasion and the other for abandoning them
  7. That stretch along Lake Erie from Cleveland to Erie to Buffalo in the late 19th century was full of millionaires with the shipping, railroads, oil, coal, and steel industries
  8. If not Queen, maybe some Smashmouth?
  9. if i were trump, i wouldn't say anything about the mueller report for a few days or maybe a week. wait for details to start leaking then call a press conference. make sure to invite his most vocal critics on the Russia Narrative. Acosta, MSNBC, New York Times, everyone is invited hold the press conference on the white house lawn. show up a few minutes late. let the attendees sit and wait. then crank up the white house speakers and make his entrance to Queens "We Are The Champions" Make sure to call on Acosta, MSNBC, NYT, etc. Answer their questions politely and follow up with a comment on some of the past reporting on Russian Collusion End the press conference noting the recent defeat of ISIL and make his exit to the tune of Joe Walsh's "Life's Been Good To Me So Far"
  10. he's already committed to another ticket
  11. A prosecutor can ask the subject or any witness of their investigation to testify. The subject/witness is not compelled If a prosecutor has evidence of wrong doing they can go to a judge to request a subpoena compelling the subject/witness to testify Why did Mueller not request a subpoena?
  12. 2009-2016: Bad thing happens = Blame Bush 2009-2016: Good thing happens = Praise Obama 2017-present: Good thing happens = Praise Obama 2017-present: Bad thing happens = #orangemanbad
  13. The 20th century ended with three consecutive elections with a winner receiving less than 50% of the popular vote 1992: Bill Clinton 43.0% 1996: Bill Clinton 49.2% 2000: George W Bush 47.9%
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