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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. I agree that Obama handed Trump a powerful weapon but cannot disagree more on how to wield it As the target of a weaponized bureaucracy Trump is well positioned to issue an Executive Order requiring increased oversight of FISA warrants and surveillance on American citizens Trump should fix the problem rather than follow the precedent of his failed predecessor
  2. How bad is it the last time I saw The Comfort, that I immediately thought about Admiral Chelsea
  3. Kristol is a RINO / Uniparty propagandist and Trump is their boogeyman
  4. @britthume has spent the better part of today trolling the twitterverse https://twitter.com/brithume
  5. Maniel has only been on the roster for a few days. probably doesn't know the full playbook and isn't ready for a full game
  6. johnny football in the game!
  7. government and money, it's hard to compete when they get together do you maybe know any italians from a "good family" that could send a message ?
  8. I'm afraid what the average attendance would look like without San Antonio propping up the numbers I really hope the AAF ratings pick up and it survives a few years. It's surprisingly good football
  9. consult a physician after 4 hours
  10. thanks turdburglar
  11. chalk this one up to the differences between men and women. guys frequently use disparaging terms to show friendship and good will towards one another that aside, there is also the fact that DR (aka some schmuck on an internet message board) had done a better job uncovering the facts behind this story than the major media outlets
  12. i turned on NFL Network about half an hour ago and put it on mute ahead of tonites AAF game They've been running the same "Breaking News" 5 minute clip of Gronk over and over
  13. Florida man charged with exposure at Pensacola strip club | Miami Herald
  14. mollie and some schmuck on a football message board sub forum
  15. Shannon Bream always reminded me of the news chick from Futurama and it's not fair to call her an underrated hottie. she's a former Miss Virginia and participated in a Miss America pagent
  16. say what you will about Fox News, but I do enjoy watching some Dana Perino
  17. Trump on the tarmac: an illegal takedown that failed. hopes that somebody starts to look at the other side
  18. so what's the misdirection play going to be? focus on Trump's taxes? maybe a real estate deal from the 90s? or maybe a false flag terror attack/mass shooting? something in Israel with the new embassy? perhaps the Democrats sacrifice one of their second or third tier Presidential candidates to a scandal? or maybe one of their elderly candidates suffers a minor heart attack/stroke in a sympathy move?
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