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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Liberal tolerance at it's finest https://www.theblaze.com/news/captain-america-actor-says-he-will-cut-ties-with-tom-brady-if-hes-really-a-trump-supporter Can't be associated with somebody that might think differently
  2. kinda like when you're standing at a urinal and realize that your underwear shifted around and the d*ckhole is off to the side.
  3. Tucker or Hannity should have put together a montage of all the talking heads predicting the Mueller Report would force Trump to resign with the background music
  4. you're fairly new to PPP so i'll give you a pass this time, but you need to learn to recognize when somebody asks a leading question
  5. Filthy Fuhrer sounds like the title of a porno And Stinky Streicher sounds like a phrase you overheard somewhere but could only find the definition on Urban Dictionary
  6. Watching Trump & Co argue in favor of releasing the Report and the Leftists trying to argue kinda reminds me of
  7. Again we are in agreement But who is at fault for the explosion in loan availability? The Government for writing regulations that make it difficult to deny a loan to somebody who may not be able to repay it or the greedy capitalist pigs that demand repayment
  8. Marie Harf is better seen than heard
  9. the spiraling cost of college and the associated skyrocketing in student debt has nothing to do with increased teacher pay, improved education, or preparing students for a high paying career and everything to do with increased salaries for administrators and high end secondary facilities like rec centers, dorms, crying rooms, and comfort puppies
  10. theraflu/tamiflu if you catch it early enough NyQuil and Sprite/Ginger Ale to treat the symptoms
  11. "Authorities say a Florida man" = a phrase that never ends well 32 years old and working at Hardees, sounds like a real winner westside is really from the east side
  12. The Federalist Reason Magazine And for those that appreciate satire: The People's Cube
  13. That campaign slogan is pure genius because it rolls right into your re-election DC Tom 2024: Put the Lotion On Your Skin Or You Get The Hose Again
  14. Has a Brian Brohm jersey hidden in the closet
  15. wears zubaz while listening to tom petty but seriously, how long were you stalking this thread waiting for me to post
  16. that's not a new form of justice. it's been employed by Leftists since at least the French Revolution but they all did it wrong. this time it will be different
  17. Susan should treat this as a warmup. As NSA in 2016 she may have some answering as to why the American Intelligence apparatus was targeted toward political opponents
  18. interesting idea, turn the AAF into the football equivalent of the OHL
  19. Joe Biden = Jeb Bush https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2019/03/22/joe-biden-2020-jeb-bush-wrong-democrat-for-donald-trump-era-column/3223529002/
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