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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. picking a bad time to stop sniffing glue
  2. ReachTV's website doesn't list which airports, or it's buried deep enough that I don't care to keep digging CNN on the other hand lists their airports CNN seems like they're everywhere because their list includes major hubs like Midway, Laguardia, LAX, Atlanta, Detroit, and Philadelphia. These are the layover hubs where travelers are a very captive audience
  3. they were applauding his brave survival against a Republican pouncing
  4. When I was a kid we had a dog that was part of the family. When he died we all grieved for him My parents kept his ashes in their bedroom When my Mom died, we buried his ashes with her. I have not doubt the two of them are together
  5. I wish real life had a CTRL-Z function
  6. Playoff implications for Sunday's Week 8 games Atlanta @ Birmingham: Birmingham win sets the Eastern conference playoff at Birmingham @ Orlando Arizona @ San Antonio: San Antonio win clinches home field in the Western conference playoff with Arizona having the inside track on the second Western playoff spot. Arizona win ties them with San Antonio for first in the division, leaving San Diego and Salt Lake on the cusp of elimination.
  7. i'm with you. it's entertaining football but isn't going to get the exposure needed to expand it's fan base outside of football geeks like us
  8. Far from the "best things in life" category, but I just had Taco Bell's rattlesnake fries. I'm not gonna lie to you, they're pretty awesome
  9. stadium in Salt Lake is almost empty If the league survives they may want to relocate the Stallions to Portland, or Boise, or maybe go international with Vancouver
  10. Beto makes white progressives wet but he won't draw the working class black and hispanic turnout the way Obama did. If anything, the working class black and hispanic numbers may increase for Trump
  11. In 2016, the betting markets predicted an 80% chance that Clinton would be elected https://www.cnbc.com/2016/11/07/betting-sites-see-record-wagering-on-us-presidential-election.html However I do agree that Trump's re-election is far from certain
  12. i disagree. any response from the Left will be framed in to context of a Kentucky Cracker trying to lynch an innocent black man for no reason other than shut up you're a racist
  13. stuff like this always seems to happen in florida
  14. Dogs become part of the family. You love them and would do anything for them, but you also do not want see them suffer. Say your goodbyes and ease her pain. take some solace knowing that when your time comes, she'll be there wagging her tail for you
  15. Biden is old skool and remembers back when a complicit media industrial complex gave anyone with a (D) after their name a wink wink nudge nudge say no more free pass. Granted they still do that but in the age of the Internets, the great unwashed masses have access to information previously withheld
  16. Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho
  17. Please tune out Tiberius
  18. Actors may welcome back Exec's might welcome him back if they thought he could make money for them But the real question is, will the nobody's behind the camera welcome him back? Writers, show runners, camera operators, make-up specialists, etc? These are the people who make a successful show but are paid significantly less than the on screen actors. Are they going to hitch themselves to somebody whose off-screen behavior or on-line presence may cause a backlash that costs them their livelihood?
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