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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. you know who else's father was German? well okay Austrian, but nobody expects too much accuracy from the MSM these days anyway
  2. i could tell he whole thing was staged, but it would be an even better april fools if she really did drop the spoiler about arya dying in episode 2
  3. and on a side note, searching for the Burger King mascot resulted in an example of Rule #34. Well soft core Rule #34 which is safe for work
  4. i love how the Marxist Millenial is complaining about something as bougie as croissants
  5. I apologize for bumping one of my own posts from a week ago, but I kinda gotta wonder if Creepy Uncle Joe has been offered up as a sacrificial lamb to misdirect the public's attention from the failed Russia Narrative
  6. there's a part of Norfolk called Willoughy Spit. Whenever I drive thru I can almost hear the conductor
  7. Next stop Willoughby
  8. cut jovan some slack. judging from his post count he hasn't been around PPP that long to have read thru DR's extensive research on the collusion narrative lots of people are waking up from the narrative they have been sold and it's a shock to their system. its kinda like that scene from The Matrix when Neo asks why his eyes hurt and Morpheus tells him because he's never used them
  9. then go ahead and do that. you could sell them and wouldn't have to rely on Roomba for your retirement
  10. until Roomba adds an SJW feature that blames white people math for the error
  11. The Democrat circus has been good for a few laughs but I'm looking forward to June when they get out of the Clown Car and start the circular firing squads Gonna be interesting to see the #metoo exchanges between Creepy Uncle Joe, Willie Browns chew toy, and Intersectional Blondie
  12. But what happens to the insurance when the league folds
  13. Should have skipped Atlanta in favor of Columbus
  14. kinda like what society will look like after the Green New Deal
  15. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/03/29/dinosaur-fossils-discovered-day-asteroid-hit-earth/3313515002/
  16. NYS isn't going to legalize sports betting anytime soon, at least until they figure out how to regulate the industry so the state can generate revenue from the venture
  17. remember those "don't get mad, get etrade" commercials? anyone who feels slighted by this should take a deep breath and view this as a money making opportunity
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