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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Looking back over the decades of your life, what were your favorite TV shows in each decade? For me, it's 1980s-1990s: Star Trek Next Generation + Deep Space 9. TNG spanned both decades and was somewhat continued into DS9 2000s: Breaking Bad 2010s: Game of Thrones
  2. https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/oops-i-crapped-my-pants/n11128
  3. much to my surprise, this did not happen in Florida
  4. I have a rather conservative Jewish co-worker that had in the past commented on his stereo typical liberal New York Jewish relatives. They really don't like Trump but he mentioned recently that even they are getting very turned off by the current generation of Drmocrats.
  5. I have no compunction farting any where or in the company of anyone, nor do I deny my contribution when called out However I do not like to poop in shared or unfamiliar toilets. I prefer the homefield advantage or at least in friendly surroundings That said, when the need does arise at work, I keep a roll of Charmin in a desk drawer. That GSA stuff is flimsy, weak, and feeels like sandpaper
  6. When Timmy heard the Bills were interested in players from the AAF, he probably confused AAF with AARP
  7. So taking gender out of the equation, if this guy developed a reliable and accurate analytic model, would NFLN replace Freulund with him?
  8. the first episode or two can be tough with the thick accents but once you get used to it, Peaky Blinders is amazing
  9. i doubt it. Hiliary doesn't strike me as the most approachable boss to underlings. She was probably sequestered in a suite accessible only by her inner circle and just a hunch, but I suspect she slept thru most of election night. had to keep her rested and fresh for that acceptance speech she never got to give anyone who may have recorded video of the night and her reported tantrum was close enough to the Clintons had to have the sense to delete it. they would have had enough invested in the Clinton machine that it would have dragged them down too. And if identified as the source they would not want to feel the wrath of the Clinton machine and their remaining allies at the DNC take one for the team
  10. okay if she wears a clown wig, does the carpet match the synthetic curtains?
  11. how long until the sin of Sodom & Gomorrah is re-defined as Climate Change Denial, White Nationalism, Capitalism, or whatever intersectionally inconvenient groupthink deviation is the moral outrage of the moment
  12. okay i gotta ask, is that some effeminate dude with male pattern baldness or a chick shaving her head so she looks like a middle aged bald guy?
  13. damn am i a horrible human being for thinking she would still be fun in bed?
  14. Because she's got a b*chin hot body that men want to do naughty things to. yeah she's kinda a butterface. but that body as far as her analysis and analytics go, meh. on the occasion that i finish one of her analytics articles i'm usually struck by her narcissism. The number of first person references she makes is almost on par with the 44th President
  15. Wait, there's a punter king? Is it an hereditary title or do they have to fight for it GoT style?
  16. Do they call it Red Square because it's full of bricks or Leftist nutjobs?
  17. gator could never come up with something that original
  18. i still haven't put anybody on ignore but man i gotta tell you, skipping over posts with avatars of clownbombs, fat faces, and baby faces makes this place so much better
  19. yeah that screaming girl is going to have one helluva sore throat
  20. you can have my clown emoji when you pry it from my cold dead #molonmoji
  21. you want inspiration for a good name for your kid, watch Idiocracy Frito Pendajo Dwayne Elazondo Herbert Mountain Dew Camacho Not Sure Beef Supreme
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