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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. don't hold your breath waiting for him to honor it
  2. that's not James Brown's wig, that's an alien parasite from a planet at war with the planet the thing on Donald Trump's head came from
  3. My Maseratti does 185 I lost my license, now I don't drive I have a limo, I ride in the back I lock the doors, in case I'm attacked
  4. and then assange has a wardrobe malfunction where his underwear gets tangled around his neck
  5. MSNBC, CNN, WaPo, etc spent the last two years wet dreaming over indictments of Trump that are never going to happen Now it appears FoxNews is wet dreaming over indictments against members of the Obama administration
  6. you glossed over a few steps of Shut Up You're a Racist Shut Up Shut Up You Racist Shut up You're only saying Obama spied because you're a racist Shut up Spying is the new racist dog whistle Shut Up
  7. Assange is either going to get Bulgered or have a "heart attack"
  8. didn't complain about my adblocker (DNSBL on PFSense)
  9. nope. this is the real life of a millenial
  10. the insurance files are already out there, several copies stored on servers around the world. you'll know s**t gets real when WikiLeaks sends out the decryption key
  11. I saw this reported elsewhere. Anyone else suspicious of the timing? So close after the completion of the Mueller report. On the day Barr announced a redacted version would soon be available. When questions are starting to be raised of the Obama administration spying on political opposition with the help of the British government
  12. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-6906411/Jessy-Taylor-cries-prospect-9-5-job-Instagram-deleted.html She's not work material and that whole 9-5 thing isn't for her And yes
  13. but he could have claimed that her rhetorical flourish "you're free to leave" constitutes being dismissed as a witness
  14. so who's the asian chick? asking for a friend....
  15. that product is discriminatory to amputees
  16. that's not a fair statement. CNN provided a steady stream of uncorroborated evidence and hearsay
  17. three words that never end well
  18. you can learn all kinds of info about somebody when you finger them if you don't believe me, do a man finger https://linux.die.net/man/1/finger
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