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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Looks like Assange was not a gracious house guest https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-47907600 Sounds kinda like how some posters behave in PPP
  2. Let's just rename Hydrogen as Stupid, because Stupid is the most abundant element of humanity
  3. Bradley Manning will be a wild card in any Assange trial He has nothing to gain by covering for Assange. By virtue of his pardon, he can provide detailed testimony regarding how WikiLeaks operates with absolutely no fear of punishment. However if he covers for Assange and is found to have perjured himself, he could face further prison time Obama may have issued a full pardon to somebody that may end up providing testimony damaging to members of the Obama Administration
  4. i'm not gonna lie to you, that's pretty adorable
  5. Ugh, are you suggesting Hayden Christenson will be in Episoide IX? God dammit, now that I think about it that clip had Luke's voice and Palpatine's cackle. They're going to have HC in as Anakin's Force ghost
  6. Secretary Hiliary Rodham of House Clinton. First of her name. First Lady of Arknsas and the United States. Senator from New York. Secretary of State. Systems Administrator of Insecure Bathroom Servers, Writer of Books. Rigger of Primaries. Loser of Elections
  7. I agree My concern is we just spent two years listening to the MSM cite unnamed sources to advance a Narrative leading to an outcome the political left desired (impeachment) ahead of any actual facts or evidence. With the conclusion of the Mueller report, people critical of the political left and their MSM enablers seem to have fallen into the same trap by citing unnamed sources and leaks from the report in regards to possible spying by the Obama administration My advice is to keep the powder dry until the report is released. Then if there is evidence of spying......Republicans Pounce!!!
  8. We're still flying B52s and F15s
  9. that's the plan, buy the bulk family pack
  10. MSNBC / CNN are 24 hour infomercials for the DNC
  11. i'm getting low on toilet paper. guess i'm going to have to go to "the zoo" soon "the zoo" is what i call walmart
  12. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?
  13. that's a TIE Fighter. Or at least the crappy new trilogy's version of one
  14. Twitter account citing "people in room told me" is not a reliable source. don't follow the same path the MSM took the last two years
  15. do you really want to join the company of these guys? You've chosen to ignore content by BigMcD. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. Options
  16. Respond to the previous poster with the line from a song. Your response doesn't have to rhyme but it does have to be somewhat related. So to get it started... My Maserati does 185
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