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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. I didn't see what he did there, because You've chosen to ignore content by BigMcD
  2. Nancy is just upset that she lost the spotlight to somebody younger and prettier
  3. Tiberius is the Major and BM is the gunners mate
  4. there has been speculation that tyrion was the b*stard son of the Mad King and the wife of Tywin Lannister
  5. Earlier in the episode Jon and Sansa call out one of the Lords who happens to be a young boy. The boy, Lord Umber, said they needed more horses and carts to bring their people to Winterfell Lord Umber was the boy on the Death Spiral Hitler?
  6. damn cute face, but the hair just reminds me of
  7. that's what i was thinking too and that's assuming there really is a baby and it's not a trick by Cersei or a false pregnancy like Bloody Mary
  8. Let's do a weekly poll of the hottest GoT woman still alive in Westeros No fem fatalities in Episode 1 Assuming the Dornish Hens are still alive in Cersei's dungeon This poll will close on 4/21 at 20:59
  9. A spear or lance isn't Arya's style. Arya's stealthy She's "lurking about" as Sansa said last night. I'm thinking it's a single shot weapon strapped to her forearm and easily concealed Agreed. Last night felt like a refresher episode setting up the season. They did advance some a few threads Theon rescuing Yara, Sam telling Jon of his true lineage, and the re-union of most of the major players. But there weren't any plot twists or new developments other than Bronn's new task and Cersei giving it up to Euron The dragon riding scene was cheesy. Oh hey, I can ride a dragon too. And now we're somewhere I used to go as a boy. Now lets make out in front of your pets.
  10. S8E1 available on HBONow already had a couple hiccups in the stream, i think hbo servers are feeling the heat
  11. Bingeing Season 7 right now. C*ckless coward Theon just jumped ship and abandoned his sister to their a**hole uncle
  12. problem with that theory is that anakin/vader turned from the sith back to the light Maybe Rey is Palpatine's new vessel
  13. How about the theory that Tom Donahoe was the son of Satan and liked to drink babies blood
  14. i believe nextmanup was referring to the "lived in" feeling of the original trilogy versus the shiny new toy feeling of the prequels and new trilogy. while i agree with the absurdity of the storm troopers poor aim, i have written that off that inconsistency as conscripted soldiers with poor training Yay! An SJW! I bet you're real popular at parties While you're upset at white boys and toxic masculinity, have you ever noticed that movie villains are disproportionately white males? And I've noticed movie villains tend to have British accents. Shouldn't people of all races and genders be portrayed as evil, or should we focus on a specific group for our two minute hate?
  15. https://nypost.com/2019/04/12/only-a-heckler-can-improve-an-evening-with-the-money-grabbing-clintons/
  16. another great line but i'm surprised you didn't go with a line from tom petty
  17. Wolf would never let someone like DR on his show. Gregggggy's facts and logic would harsh The Narrative
  18. I respectfully disagree. The best line's written were I made that p*ssy purr with the stroke of my hand (Cat Scratch Fever by Uncle Ted) She told me to come but I was already there (Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC)
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