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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. I beg to differ The set of those who "partake" is a subset of those who "promote" The set of those who "promote" includes another subset of those who "profit" from those who "partake"
  2. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/439691-mueller-done-dems-should-be-too-trump-is-no-nixon
  3. meh Pantera dented the Stanley Cup once upon a time and it survived
  4. The presumption of innocence is a right afforded only to those predetermined to be free of guilt Everyone else must prove their innocence All animals are equal. Some are more equal than others
  5. Or the imminent destruction of the North. The Army of the Dead marching on Winterfell. The night king astride his undead dragon ready to strike The battle is lost. Eescape for Jon, Dany, and the the living seemed hopeless. When suddenly, the animator suffered a fatal heart attack. The CGI peril was no more
  6. The Death Star was built by a combination of professional engineers & architects handling the technical details and conscripted/corvee labor doing the grunt work
  7. Was there a followup question of are you Republican Democrat Independent Which I suspect would have been somewhere in the 35-39-25% ranges
  8. LDR had some excellent episodes and some pretty episodes Lucky 13, The cyborg convoy heist, and the Red Army episodes were my favorites
  9. during the arya/jon snow reunion scene i got a chuckle out of arya saying "you used to be taller"
  10. i got something else to bend on dany
  11. do the games run from the USB drive or is it just to back up old games? if you're running from the USB drive, does it slow down noticably?
  12. You want a gun that sounds awesome (and is a great way to enjoy your tax cut)
  13. @Tennessee The Titans don't have much "history" after moving from Houston to Tennessee other than a Super Bowl vs the Rams (whom they do not face in 2019) and The Music City Miscarriage of Justice
  14. https://www.dailywire.com/news/46005/monty-python-great-mocks-pc-outrage-culture-james-barrett
  15. AOC should tell India about the dangers of farting cows
  16. Those hardware specs make my heart flutter
  17. Bran should really get a lawyer. Winterfell is way out of compliance with the Westerosians With Disabilities Act
  18. The reasons AOC cites are policy differences, not offenses Unless she is advicsting that holding an alternative viewpoint is a criminal act
  19. Kylo Ren and Darth Stimpy
  20. CNN/MSNBC after the release of the Mueller report
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