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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. South Park did a Game of Thrones trilogy in 2013 and one of the episode titles sums up GoT perfectly South Park Season 17 Episode 09: Titties and Dragons
  2. so we've made it thru 69 episodes without seeing any of sansa's goodies but are shown arya's a**crack and sideboob
  3. Why stop at Littlefinger then? Take Robert's face, walk into Cersei's Throne Room and say "Hi Honey, I'm home!"
  4. I think Theon's story arc, like Jamie's, is moving towards redemption
  5. DirecTV holds the rights thru the 2019 season, so any changes won't take effect until 2020 at the earliest
  6. Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-met-second-amendment-sanctuary-county-movement-illinois-20190416-story.html
  7. https://apnews.com/e12117b0d26f447dac1e449d25daa2d1
  8. an achievement overshadowed by the unnecessary deaths of 58,000 American service members
  9. AT&T/DirecTV is already moving away from the satellite platform. At the end of last year, AT&T CEO said they have launched their last DirecTV satellite: https://spacenews.com/directv-owner-att-says-its-done-buying-satellites/ Whether the NFL sticks with AT&T/DirecTV or moves onto another provider, the NFL wants the media available via streaming platforms vice a fixed physical set top box
  10. even Kraft had to go to Florida for one of those
  11. i'm surprised he hasn't been run out of a restaurant/theatre by woke virtue signalers or had a flashmob outside his house
  12. so what you're saying it will never stop
  13. how does the face claiming thing work? can she take any dead persons face or does it have to be somebody she killed?
  14. That study is going to have a problem when Joe Biden shows up on a campaign stop
  15. Have CNN or MSNBC started running non stop stories about a campaign in chaos like they did whenever somebody left the Trump campaign in 2015/2016?
  16. My guess is Dany wants revenge for her father Sansa and Arya want justice for their father Jon wants justice for his father/uncle and wants to see Dany get her revenge (out of being unsure what to do with the news he received) The Lords of the North despise the Lannisters Tyrion and Brienne make an impassioned defense of Jamie Bran sees the big picture and is willing to forgive The sentence is Death But before the sentence is carried out, news arrives that the Whitewalkers are nearing Winterfell or have massacred a nearby town. Jamie makes a plea to delay his sentence so that he can stand with The Living against The Dead
  17. yeah but diet coke, two scoops, and shut up or you're racist
  18. He's the one on the left
  19. Trump supporters should take a page out of the Left's playbook and demand that Ryan resign over her offensive comments
  20. Laurel Canyon or Yanny Canyon?
  21. ham steak and hashbrowns
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