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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. now that's a meeting of the mindless
  2. If I had a Twitter account, I would be tempted to ask her why she thinks Dylan Roof should be allowed to vote Hey Tom, wanna stir the pot
  3. https://thefederalist.com/2019/04/23/the-democratic-presidential-primary-is-an-arms-race-in-crazy/
  4. https://www.dailywire.com/news/46308/klavan-one-sided-journalism-bad-country-andrew-klavan
  5. https://techcrunch.com/2019/04/22/tesla-plans-to-launch-a-robotaxi-network-in-2020/
  6. Some time between 8-12 hours ago, I scored a Hat trick! You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius.
  7. That picture made me think of the poster for:
  8. Wait, I thought Trump put an end that "transitioning" stuff in the military
  9. If that happened, Twitter's headquarters would be a smoldering ash because their servers blew up
  10. you know, if you're going to poke somebody for misspelling a proper noun of a fictitious location you should at least try to not screw up one of the most basic words of the English language
  11. Interesting theory as it would have been foreshadowed by Robb Stark outflanking the Lannisters at Whispering Wood/Riverrun and the Lannisters outflanking Daenerys at High Garden/Castily Rock
  12. i'm not sure EII even knows what his point is these days
  13. Yeah I 'd stay away from DK Metcalf The Bills don't have good luck drafting guys that go by their initials 1971 JD Hill 2004 JP Losman 2010 CJ Spiller 2013 EJ Manuel The only initialed player who wasn't a bust was OJ Simpson in 1969, but we all know what happened after he left football
  14. excellent series from maybe 15 years ago. i binged it about 5 years ago 3 seasons (maybe 30 episodes) and cancelled prematurely set during the Deadwood gold rush of the late 19th century
  15. have you seen deadwood? because may 31st = deadwood movie
  16. and guess what kind of throne they're playing with? it's potty porn. the original working title was "toilet tricks" but that series title was already taken and gugny has the collectors edition box set
  17. so you've never watched MSNBC?
  18. Good call on Grey Worm and Melisandre. Their scene yesterday leads one to think they will not see each other again
  19. Judging by the previews for S08E03 it looks like sh*ts about to get real in Winterfell So who will not survive the Battle of Winterfell? I suspect the crypt may not be the safest place for the women and children seeking shelter The Hound will be mortally wounded and asks Arya to finish him and burn his body so he does not join the army of the dead Theon is set up for redemption by sacrificing himself for Bran Bran is ultimately killed by The Night King The Night King is destroyed
  20. Calm before the storm Does Bran tell Tyrion about Jon Snow's true lineage? Including GIlley I like Gilley
  21. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/columnists/kass/ct-met-mueller-report-kass-20190419-story.html
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