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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. But there is a large enough segment of the population that have been conditioned to no longer think for themselves and believe what their overlords want them to believe
  2. And sometimes the new technology is worse than the problem it claims to solve http://brusselstimes.com/business/technology/15050/electric-vehicles-emit-more-co2-than-diesel-ones,-german-study-shows
  3. You are correct that where Brienne goes, so goes Podrick. But I think when Brienne makes her final stand that she commands Podrick to withdraw so that somebody will survive to protect the Stark women I think Podrick's story will continue I hope not. She's a little bad ass and is my darkhorse candidate to claim the Iron Throne
  4. Brienne, Grey Worm, and Sir Jorrah are goners tonite. They've already been foreshadowed: Brienne finally being knighted, Jorrah getting a new sword, and Grey Worm/Missy goodbye scene
  5. until about a month or so ago I was the same way. but i got tired of wasting bandwidth on their crap so I stuck them on ignore and have not regretted it
  6. Agreed. The best way to read a post by BigMcD is You've chosen to ignore content by BigMcD
  7. Once upon a time the media consisted of entertainment, advertising, news, and opinion. Today they have all been melded into a single entity. Modern media is one giant commercial for the DNC
  8. In the midst of all the draft talk, just a reminder that tonight would have been the AAF Championship game
  9. https://www.philly.com/news/john-wilkes-booth-lincoln-conspiracy-photo-recognition-20190415.html
  10. There were plenty of whispers but they were always shouted down with cries of racism
  11. The SJW Thought Police have come for the #2 pick in the NFL Draft http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000001028450/article/49ers-nick-bosa-apologizes-for-controversial-social-media-posts
  12. any word on Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen?
  13. Neither Allen nor Rosen were put into a position to succeed One looked like he was cast from a cookie cutter The other broke the mold
  14. Here's to Ed Oliver welcoming Rosen to the AFCE
  15. Hospice was a blessing at the end of my Mom's battle with Cancer. When she decided that if she was going to die she would rather pass away at home than in a hospital, they were always there for her and to help my Dad cope. Near the end the visiting nurse told my Dad the time was near and to bring her boys home so she could say goodbye. My brother and I both had to book flights back home and I wasn't sure we were going to make it. The medical professionals told my Dad that it was only a matter of hours before my Mom would die. The Hospice nurse told my Dad that physically she was ready to pass but spiritually she was not ready to let go until she could say goodbye to her boys We made it home to say our goodbyes. She couldn't speak but could communicate by gently squeezing our hands. I remember she had one leg hanging out of bed with her foot on the ground. When I moved past her and bumped her leg she must have used every ounce of strength left to put that foot right back on the ground. She even moved her head a little and gave me a "no, don't do that" look. I mentioned this to my Dad who told me that he had put her leg in bed under the covers a few times but her leg would always pop out. He said the Hospice nurse told him that was common and was the dying person's way to stay grounded to this world before they are ready to let go
  16. If things start pointing in the direction of Obama, how long until the Narrative shifts to Biden's involvement because Biden saw the dangers of #orangemanbad? If that Narrative sticks it helps his Presidential campaign. If that Narrative fails, a scapegoat will have been sacrificed for the greater glory of the Obama legacy
  17. You know what adds to the conversation...You've chosen to ignore content by BigMcD
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