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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. I've been to Meadville a few times, not much to there do besides leave for Pittsburgh, Erie, or Youngstown
  2. why bother with grocery stores? Just have meadapp to shop with a meadphone and have meadex deliver it the door
  3. Neither Mortgaging draft capital and eating up a chunk of cap space on a single player will not solve all of this teams problems
  4. Gilligan and the Skipper may not have been very good sailors and The Professor never could figure out how to patch a boat. But even the ancient Cthulhu could never defeat Gilligans Island in syndication
  5. there were no dragons in LoTR. The Dragon was in The Hobbit
  6. Neither Bronn nor Bennett Drake would put up with that fruity sh*t
  7. so do we #believeallvictims or is this just more #orangemanbad?
  8. Russian collusion had been the Democrats white whale for the last two years. But now it appears that white whales were colluding with Russia https://www.apnews.com/8515d3a6ea4a48dda70583a616beca05
  9. I haven't seen Avengers yet but it sounds like Tony didn't fare as well as cousins Sansa and Arya
  10. On a somewhat related note, a recent study suggests that by 2070 The Dead may overtake The Living on Facebook https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-04/uoo-tdm042619.php
  11. Episode 3 will be 82 minutes so you know sh*t gonna happen tonite
  12. Difference between JWB and Elvis is that everybody in America knew what Elvis looked like in 1977. Not everyone in 1865 had seen a picture of JWB
  13. only one scene with a naked woman, and i fast forwarded thru because it was kinda creepy
  14. Just finished watching episode 2 a second time. i understand why so many people thought this was a bad episode. everyone is expecting an epic battle with dragons and ice zombies. take away that expectation, and this was an excellent episode
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