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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. i don't have a problem with that
  2. learn to shoot with iron sights first, then move on to optics and laser sights are not an option on an M1 garand or a snubby.
  3. you get used to it and learn to compensate. i'm still not that great of a shot with my Garand but it's easier to compensate on an AR15 or AR10
  4. yet here we are 30 months later and still no video if that video ever existed it would have been released long ago hell, if that video ever existed the DNC would have released it by now to ensure Hillary does not try to run again
  5. pink and white and i am "left brain" dominant. I write and throw with my right hand. every personality test i've taken shows a dominance of logical/analytical traits over creative/artistic but then again when i shoot, i hold the gun in my right hand but aim with my left eye
  6. any peasants granted entry would have been pre-screened and subject to physical search on arrival and departure
  7. Take a deep breath and think like a Clinton: Are you in a large open room full of the little people who brought you this far, or are you in a luxury suite surrounded by sycophants? Do you allow the hired help to film your spontaneous moments, or do you hire professionals to craft the image? If you noticed anyone filming with a personal device, do you let that person leave the room with the device or do you deny exit/confiscate the device? Now think like a Clinton loyalist. Your political/professional career has been inextricably tied to the Clinton Machine. Do you release video like this of the person/people that you have so ardently defended? How does your association with that kind of individual or family reflect on your own character? You've seen how the Clinton machine squashes it's enemies. Do you want to become one? If there was ever any video of Election Night 2016 it has long since been erased
  8. I've spent most of my professional career in IT, so please take no offense when I tell you that you are both wrong. The first rule of tech is...go away
  9. so they all left, and it was computerized, and nobody knew how to turn it on good gawd, the man is describing the premise of Idiocracy Forward!
  10. double dumbass on you porkchop triple dumbass on you lambchop
  11. And 91 = 9th pick of the 1st round
  12. https://reason.com/2019/05/01/social-securitys-real-problem-not-money-but-time/ On the bright side, this shouldn't really be a problem when the world ends in about 12 years
  13. About those Super Delegates https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/rubycramer/superdelegates-2020-convention-democrats
  14. The only time I see something from HAHA Gator is when somebody else quotes him. He does not contribute anything positive to this community so I stopped wasting bandwidth on him
  15. that's probably the dumbest idea i'll hear all day, and it's not even 7AM
  16. The Democrats never could seem to tie Trump to colluding with Russian intelligence, so now their 2016 nominee is hoping Chinese Intelligence will give Democrats access to Trump's tax return https://www.foxnews.com/politics/clinton-knocks-mueller-for-finding-no-conspiracy-what-if-dems-ask-china-for-trumps-tax-returns
  17. That was different because when the Democrats have unlimited power something something something shut up something something you're racist something something something go sit in the back
  18. show up at his funeral and if anybody asks you came, tell them you just wanted to make sure the son of a b*tch was dead
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