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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Three reasons Joe Biden will never be President
  2. Captain D's = Long John Silvers. Only greasier
  3. Don't think they'd be allowed to make this one anymore
  4. Meadazon must really be tanking if you need to set up a GoMeadMe page
  5. The dust up over whether Bernie & Biden should debate sitting down or standing up can be resolved by allowing Tulsi Gabbard to participate in the debate and going with the Whose LIne Is It Anyway Sit/Stand/Lay Down format
  6. Try to be nonpartisan for a second Lefties. Do you really want Biden near these?
  7. https://www.wsj.com/articles/social-distancing-is-new-coronavirus-buzz-phrase-does-it-work-11583524419 Now I kinda wish the Coronavirus had struck years ago. I've been trying to pull off this "Social Distancing" since I was a kid
  8. The Los Angeles Rams, brought to you by Tide Pods
  9. I bet she's been to the Eiffel Tower a few times
  10. Their biscuts are good too. But the chicken which is their primary attraction, is pretty uninspiring.
  11. Everyone says I look like Carson Wentz. Maybe I can Nick Foles her to Jacksonville
  12. Bojangles chicken is meh. I'd put them #3 behind Popeyes and Chik-Fil-A (Popyes chicken sammich FTW). But Bojangles does have good fries Overpriced yes. But worth it every once in a while. Subway is still in business because their food is dirt cheap compared to the rest. As far as the competitors, I prefer Firehouse to Jersey Mike or Jimmy Johns. I also enjoy a good Wawa sub. But my favorite sub chain is a Hampton Roads local franchise, Zeros
  13. I hope you're right about Abrams so she can not win Georgia a second time
  14. So NYC, Seattle, and Northern California have the most cases. Kind of odd that cities that have the most direct contact with Chinese nationals have the most cases ? Next thing you know, we'll start seeing cases in places like New Orleans and Norfolk (where shipping comes into the United States), and Hawaii and San Diego where the Pacific Fleet operates
  15. No, they're not. But that's another argument for another thread
  16. That's the inherent flaw with their Intersectionality nonsense. So many Intersections, they keep crossing each other
  17. I voted to cancel. Not because of the silly Coronavirus hype, but because. Well, why would anyone want to go to Florida?
  18. did you just assume gender
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