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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. probably curled up on a fetal position somewhere
  2. Hot but crazy (ad for fanapt, schizo medication) https://www.ispot.tv/ad/nlO0/fanapt-how-are-you
  3. I think you underestimate the Democrat machine Only reason Trump won in 2016 was the Democrats drank their own Kool-Aid and didn't bother to to dig up their voters in Philly, Cleveland, Milwaukee, and Detroit.
  4. Watching Foxnews right now, and one thing I think we can all agree on Dana Perino
  5. An EC tie would be the peanut on top of the 2020 💩
  6. Donald Trump Tweets out "covfefe" and the MSM runs wild with it Joe Biden has a stroke mid sentence and nothing but crickets from the MSM
  7. Simpsons Married with Children South Park Rick and Morty Family Guy
  8. It was a political post. You are openly advocating for denial of medical services based on an individuals lifestyle Should medical professionals be able to deny service to gay men because they are higher risk of AIDS? Should cardiologist deny to see a patient because they eat alot of red meat?
  9. Funny how when somebody makes a political joke, the mods slap their d*ck But when the mods want to make a political post of their own....
  10. Anybody remember the movie Poltergeist II? Just gonna throw this one out there...
  11. You didn't make the claim, somebody else did And it's not my problem that you misinterpreted my post, it's yours
  12. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000001112469/article/2020-nfl-draft-lance-zierleins-three-favorite-picks-by-round
  13. I think Trump should call a special summit with North Korea featuring a swimsuit competition between Kayleigh McEnany and Kim Yo Jong
  14. Interpret it however you want. Just don't claim that I don't understand the meaning when there is more than one
  15. Three Percenters refer to the 3 percent of Americans who participated in the Revolutionary War. The term has since been co-opted by some far right groups. But go ahead with your misinterpretation
  16. with a high capacity 30 caliber magazine clip
  17. College and Pro both have their charms, which is why I like both. Pro is watching the best football players in the world. But with this comes the downside that most outcomes are predictable College on the other hand, with the exception of the CFP contenders, is alot more unpredictable. I can sit and watch two teams I know nothing about nor care about the outcome, like Arizona vs Washington St and it will interest me more than watching the Arizona Cardinals vs Seattle Seahawks
  18. Sounds like Brett Kavenaugh and Christine Ford. But you know, double standards
  19. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/apr/30/amazon-to-cut-price-of-its-ebooks-to-reflect-removal-of-vat So you can take taxes off something? I thought you could only put taxes on something, and they were there forever
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