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Everything posted by familykwi

  1. I'd also like to see no count on the sneaks. Let Morse and Josh be guaranteed to be the first to move on hand pressure.
  2. Once he blew the whistle because he thought progress was stopped, the additional fall forward becomes moot. I watched the replay and could not tell if his backside touched before landing on the defender, so that was never going to be overturned. Which is why I thought McD might do it.
  3. I feel pretty confident that's not a long list. Otherwise they would be on a roster.
  4. Another awful call. One hand on the sleeve means that block was from the side. Block in the back needs to be all back, not part back.
  5. I'm listening to the "gap integrity" comment. What I'm seeing is our d-linemen stay engaged with their blockers. I'm not seeing moves to get through the gaps. I'm seeing them try to stand up the line and hold them in place. What we lack is penetration to create lanes for the linebackers to fill.
  6. See, the notice of unintended consequences. Instead of field position, what about 1 point for the defense if they possess it at the end of the try and two if they run it in? The league changes rules annually anyway. As an official, I insist it is a business write off for the members of the rules committee. They meet, lodge, eat on someone else's coin. To justify it, they change a couple of things to prove it was all worth it.
  7. Disagree. She's the friend with the better personality, but Suzanne Somers was awfully attractive.
  8. I would have liked to see them take a shot. Can't take a sack, nor a shallow turnover, but if they hit one, that's a huge shot in the arm heading into the second half.
  9. As I watch the GB/KC game, I think I understand the Bills' problem. Can't have an identity until you have the skill to build around. Although we have upgraded some on offense, the upgrades are marginal and we have no game breaking type talents at any offensive position. The line is better, but not more than average. I love Brown, but the rest of the receivers still fail to separate regularly. Same with the TEs. I'd also like to see Brown stay on his feet more when catching the ball. I think he jumps too much to use his body to make catches. If he had extended back to the ball that Dalby broke up, we may score on that drive and things would have gotten way more interesting. The running game has moments, but again, does not have a runner who can break a game open. It's unreasonable to expect great success without great talents on the field. We've improved and have beaten every team we were supposed to, plus we beat the Titans on the road. I think we're still a ways from beating teams in the upper echelon.
  10. That throw to Watkins inside the 10 is a timing throw that Josh needs to put in his repertoire.
  11. I'm convinced he was throwing it away, but without the mustard he thought he'd have and got lucky
  12. The toughest part of the 11-5 record is knowing there will be three more weeks of mind numbing, absurdly negative commentary on this site. ... not to mention the commentary after the losses ?
  13. A bit dismissive. What intelligent, well reasoned point are you making here? I think this thread is valid regardless of the outcome. Could you have defined our identity after last week's game? The sky is not falling, we lost to a good team. No disgrace there. I'd just like to see us do something in particular well to help us build consistency and confidence offensively.
  14. I totally disagree about Edmunds and Oliver. This is the best sports league on the planet. IT IS HARD to play NFL football. Stop commenting as though rookies should all just come in and be dominant, hall-of-fame type talents immediately. McCaffery is playing unreal right now, but he didn't start his career that way. Mahomes sat a year behind Alex friggin Smith. I know how hard this is, but please, for the love of God, have a little perspective.
  15. Edmunds is not a pound inside MLB. He's an athlete, not a pounder. He'll make plays on the ball carrier, not so much to engage blockers. We need our tackles to tie up multiple blockers to allow him to run and chase. That did not happen against the Eagles which have a very good O-line. In time I believe he'll get better at disengaging a blocker, but he's not there yet. This year he's better at reading plays. Being so young, he is still learning on a pro football field. Some of his flaws would have been worked out in college, but I'm glad he came out early and that we were the team that benefits.
  16. We still need better protection on the line. Josh rarely gets to feel comfortable. He does bail too early at times, but too often he has too little time to let routes develop. Josh is unable to stand in a pocket and make throws at all levels of the field and to both sides. If that is not possible, he will not have "the game." If we are going to beat a good team, he is going to have to be able to throw some receivers open. The ball that Darby deflected to Brown was a ball that Josh has to throw better. Up to this point, he's gotten better at not horribly missing open receivers, but I do not see him make impressive throws in tighter coverage. It's not too late, but there not many positively encouraging moments.
  17. To be honest, I'm guessing here. It's obvious we want to throw, but we have mediocre success with the passing game, therefore I don't think we have an identity. We don't complete shots downfield, we don't control the slot. We just make occasional completions throughout the game without any clear attempt to have real offensive control. I really feel like we call a play, watch with curiosity to see what exactly Josh is going to do, then call something else. In no game plan that I can think of do we seem to attack an opponent's weakness. This offense looks very similar from game to game without much adjustment to who we're playing against. I also hear no talk from players about how confident, or impressed they are with the game plans. I know this team build is about grooming Josh, but what are we grooming him to be exactly? I cannot figure it out.
  18. Who exactly would be throwing to Kupp for 220? Not this offense.
  19. I think bringing in someone new to make an impact is unrealistic. If we could upgrade the roster for the long haul, then I'm down, but not for a rental. How many rentals can you think of that made a significant difference?
  20. This season is a 5-2 record and we control our destiny for a wild card. With games against Wash, Pitts, NYJ, Miami, Cleveland & Denver, 11-5 is very realistic. We were a 6-10 projection, so I think losing your mind over a bad game against a good team is way over the top.
  21. This and the false starts would be an area of coaching that does concern me. Impresses as either careless, or undisciplined.
  22. Today we saw a team that NEEDED a win outplay a team that WANTED a win. Philly had more to play for and it showed. I think we could have gotten them to turn on each other with a fast start, but we just cannot attack the whole field, so we have to work too hard to create points.
  23. Totally agree. Outcome appears clear, so let the over-reacting begin!
  24. If fairness, Josh did tuck the ball on the last fumble. His elbow was incidentally pushed forward before the strip. I was afraid he was more careless.
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