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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Just based on last year's performance the offensive line wasn't appreciably worse without Peters than they were with him. And they weren't the main reason the offense didn't produce for a change.
  2. He didn't want to be here anymore. So it's best to just cut bait and move on.
  3. I've said it many times that anyone that has been to Ralph/Rich Stadium and doesn't at least have a somewhat warm feeling for the Bills and their fans simply has no soul.
  4. They already try to tax it in Virginia. Certain sites will automatically add it in if you're shipping it to VA.
  5. Raji, Orakpo, and Crabtree. In that order. I don't want Maybin or Brown. And just say no to Pettigrew.
  6. That's the same argument they've used for years in Hampton Roads, VA to keep us from having any kind of a team. "Well they don't even sell out minor league baseball." The point is it's minor league. Nobody cares. They want the real thing.
  7. Seeing them in concert for the first time in two weeks. Can't wait.
  8. Tell Dusty I said "Hi."
  9. A second rounder is too much to give up for Gonzalez at this point. Bad move by the Falcons in my opinion.
  10. Might I remind you that the Bills lost all four of those Super Bowls. Two of the three teams they lost to played the 4-3. Watching those Super Bowls gives you a classic example of the weakness that is inherent in the 3-4 scheme. If you don't have a great NT you are susceptible to a power running game. Ted Washington was just as effective in a 4-3 scheme in Chicago as he was in Ted Cottrell's 3-4.
  11. As someone that is on my second repair sentence I can tell you it sucks. I am so wanting to go downstairs and play WAW right now. Had to settle for a Mario Kart battle royale with my son earlier.
  12. The weird thing was I already got it. I called Xbox support and everything and they had me unplug my power supply and plug it back in and BAM no more RROD. HOWEVER, that's about the time my problems with WAW started. Man this sucks. Another 6 weeks of no Xbox. I've already had one RROD. Update: So Xbox says I need to get my console repaired. Here's the catch. They claim my warranty exired in Jan. 2009. I bought the dang thing in Jan. 2008 and it spent a month with them in May being serviced. At the time I was told my warranty would be extended for a year. I guess that was just an empty promise to get me off the phone because they want to charge me $100 to fix my one year and three month old console that has already been repaired once. The supervisor I spoke to even had the nerve to tell me that most electronic equipment breaks down. I told her of course it does, but I've never had anything that has given me this much trouble this soon in its life. Unbelievable. Maybe I'll try calling today so I can speak to someone in the US. Update #2: Didn't get to speak to anyone in the US, but got a really helpful Indian that seemed to understand that it was rubbish that I would be charged for the repair. Long story short I'll be without my xbox for several weeks, but at least it won't cost me anything.
  13. Oh sorry. I'm on a 360. I guess I just assumed if I mentioned hardware issue people would know I was talking about a 360.
  14. My WAW has been freezing up on me. Anyone know why? I've done some internet research and some people seem to blame the game while others blame the hardware. Anyone know what's the scoop and how I might fix it. It's really annoying to not be able to play. It freezes up about 30 seconds in. Usually when there's some type of explosion on the screen.
  15. At this point just cut your losses and consider the first and third a boon. If he doesn't want to play for the team that helped him go from an undrafted free agent tight end to a pro bowl left tackle then to heck with him.
  16. I think if you're getting a gun for protection in your every day life it's probably not a good idea. Unless you walk around with it 24/7 there's a good chance you won't have it in a situation that calls for it. If you are interested in learning how to use firearms and as a side benefit you get to have some home protection then I think it's a great idea.
  17. You make a solid argument for not trading Peters. Now get his ass signed.
  18. If Raji is on the board and the Bills take anyone other than Raji I will personally drive to Detroit and punch Ralph Wilson in the face.
  19. I think his point is if Peters is a lost cause Pace can be a bridge between Peters and his replacement.
  20. Since when has New England been HISTORICALLY at the top of the division? in my lifetime they've been mostly doormats.
  21. Yeah he's the guy lazy "journalists" roll out when they make these inane lists.
  22. Man, I heard that last night. I thought it was thunder. Too bad I wasn't looking outside at the time. I would have liked to see the light show.
  23. If defensive players can't tackle QBs below the knees then QBs shouldn't be allowed to scramble past the line of scrimmage. Simple as that.
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