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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. That might be the best musical sports rib of all time.
  2. I don't think anyone is complaining about the Ralph. Just saying that IF, as this report claims, a new stadium is being considered would Niagara Falls be a good place to locate it.
  3. I seriously would as well. I'd even go as far as to change their official name to the Buffalo Bills of Niagara.
  4. Man I would LOVE to see Henderson on the Bills. He might be the difference between the playoffs and another 7-9 debacle.
  5. What's with the Bruno soundtrack at the end?
  6. Who wants to read your long boring thread? You should feel privileged that I commented on it.
  7. If this weren't coming out on the same day as UFC Unleashed I'd probably get it. I just can't spend over 100 bucks in games in one day.
  8. Dude, all your problems can be solved with one of those debit cards with your picture on them. BTW, in this instance I think you were more the aggravatingly stupid person than the clerk was.
  9. Yeah come on Buffalo act like you've been there before.
  10. Whenever I use google or any other search engine I'm just taken to a page that sort of looks like google sponsored links, but has nothing to do with what I searched. On the bottom it says "transferring data to feed.peakclick.com" Both my anti-virus and ad-aware aren't detecting anything. Anyone know what's going on?
  11. Jeez the least he could have done was get a hand on him.
  12. Man I forgot about this signing. Makes the draft event hat more puzzling. How many DBs does one team need anyway? Don't get me wrong I'm all for bringing in guys like this, but how about drafting some help for the defensive line as well?
  13. Hey welcome to 2002. We've been expecting you.
  14. If the Bills can manage to get Jones I really think the Peters trade becomes a big score for the Bills. Jones + what the Bills already have will make for a formidable line. I just hope it happens.
  15. No way. That movie was badass.
  16. New Kirk>The Sisko > Darth Vader > Picard > Kirk
  17. That old gag? HAHAHA Well maybe we can at least BENEFIT from that kind of stupidity for a change.
  18. As someone pointed out earlier this defense is paper thin at DT. If he has ANY gas in the tank he should be signed to a contract and working out at Orchard Park right now.
  19. I miss that guy. He was good people.
  20. Yep. It's his brother.
  21. As much as everyone likes to bash Kevin Costner, and I'm not really a fan. Neither Waterworld nor the Postman belong on that list.
  22. Interesting credentials on a lot of these players. Link
  23. Seven posts in and someone finally gets it. Thank you sir.
  24. But it only comes in small and medium.
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