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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. What confuses me about your post is you blast people for wanting a "Name" for head coach. Then you say "At least Frazier is considered one of the up-and-comers." So which is it, are we supposed to not look for a "Name" at head coach or are we supposed to be impressed because some people in the media think Frazier is a top candidate?
  2. Since 1972 the year I was born. My first fight in school was because I brought a Bills book bag to school one of the years they went 2-14. And yes if they hire Frazier I'm just done with this team. I don't see anything that he has done to make me want him as the coach of my favorite team. I'm tired of backing a team that isn't committed to winning. Bringing in a defensive coordinator that frankly hasn't even proven himself as a top defensive coordinator to be your head coach is just signaling to me that the Bills ownership is going to continue to not give a #@#@ so why should I?
  3. If only that would happen. Sadly it won't.
  4. I just don't see anything on Frazier's resume that makes me think he's the guy. Maybe you can enlighten me as to what I'm missing because I just don't see it. I am sick of projects on this team, I want a proven winner that can instill leadership and a winning attitude from day one. A rookie coach learning on the job isn't what this team needs.
  5. You are so right about that. The only ones you missed are WWII and aliens.
  6. A linebacker in the first round??? Have you learned nothing in the past 10 years?
  7. That was my question as I was scanning the article. Seems like it's just a lame attempt to block it.
  8. Maybe not forever, but I'd sure like to extend my life by about 100 years.
  9. Don't think for a second that even if it were possible that it would be allowed to happen.
  10. This is why the Internet was created.
  11. You will be let down if you watch the cage match that kicked off the show. That was an embarrassing display.
  12. This doesn't ring true to me. For the most part only losing teams look for new coaches. How many losing teams have established QBs?
  13. So the first decade, 2000 years ago had nine years in it. And each subsequent decade has ten. There problem solved. The real question is why every ten years do we have to subjected to a bunch of know-it-all's running around telling everyone something they already know. It's all a psychological association with numbers. As someone pointed out earlier 1980 is a year that is associated with the 80s, it'd be foolish to try to include it in a discussion of the 70s.
  14. I hope they do for you. It's weird how different things can be for people. 2009 was actually my best year financially.
  15. Yeah this BillsSabresFan guy talks about this Coach guy like it's his boyfriend.
  16. Pretty much a waste of time. Oh well another hour wasted on the Internet. Story of my life.
  17. Yeah this is all filtered though the "according to some guy on the internet" filter.
  18. Basically he's saying the Bills are Cowher's third choice. If neither the Tampa job or the Carolina job is available he'd consider it.
  19. Bills have been in contact with Bill Cowher. Cowher is interested.
  20. There's no capital gains if it transfers from husband to wife.
  21. Show crashed. He had my attention. He started by talking about the Bills ownership situation and said people around the league call it stable.
  22. Not to worry, you will be.
  23. Ngata is a player that I just time and again want to put my fist through the wall that the Bills didn't take. He is the kind of player you can build a defense around. I was so wanting the Bills to take him, but at the same time knowing they wouldn't.
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