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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Whooppee another 3-5 year rebuilding project. Wonder how this one will work out. As someone pointed out this just seems like another inflexible defensive scheme that doesn't play to the strengths of the players they have, but rather blindly chases after players to fit the scheme. It's this kind of thinking that lost us Pat Williams.
  2. Yeah and instead of drafting those guys the Bills could work on the offense, the true problem with this team, and left the defense alone. Instead they'll burn a bunch of unnecessary picks switching to a defense for who knows what reason. This is crazy.
  3. This is horrible news. They just shot an effective defense in the foot for absolutely no reason. Not a good sign.
  4. As a Notre Dame fan I've seen enough of Jimmy Clausen. Wish him the best of luck, but don't want to see him as a Bill.
  5. Bradford and then pray.
  6. Great, sounds like we're in for some more undersized high character players.
  7. Well there's always a chance to get another one. I'd pitch in a 20 spot.
  8. I don't have any faith in online polls that don't show the current results.
  9. As a Notre Dame fan I've seen Clausen play plenty of times. Maybe it's the pessimism of being both a Buffalo Bills fan and a Notre Dame fan, but I just don't see anything in Clausen's play that makes me think he's going to tear up the NFL.
  10. He's not a game changer until you have a defensive line that can keep those 300 lbs. offensive lineman off of him. I agree that he'll probably be a fantastic player in the NFL, but he's not the right player at the right time for the Bills.
  11. Exactly right. LBs are a luxury pick. Everyone around here is so in love with the idea of switching to the 3-4 that it's blinding them to how easy it is to acquire LBs in this league.
  12. Because an American car has never had a recall.
  13. OK, I'll do it. But only if you can get the 3-4 talk to stop as well.
  14. Why? So he'd get killed behind our patchwork line and have nobody to throw to?
  15. I have news for that woman. When she smiles it looks like she's frigging blinking. Don't blame the camera because it can't tell the difference, just grow some thicker skin.
  16. You know not to say that I don't believe the guy's story, but in my life I only know of one woman that has mentioned to people that she was told to get an abortion by a doctor. That woman happens to be an evangelical Christian. Coincidence? Perhaps.
  17. One of my favorite stories to tell involves a Ouija board. My younger sister was about 10 or 12. She bought a Ouija board and would play with it when she had sleepovers with friends. So one day my brother and I got a hold of it. We had two pieces of magnet and taped one to the bottom of the pointer. Then my brother holding the other piece, wearing a jacket slid his arm out of one of the sleeves of his jacket and put his arm underneath the table. I then called my sister over to the dining room table and said I wanted to play Ouija with her. So we started in. It was moving around and she said "You're moving it." Insisting that I wasn't I lifted my hands off the pointer. It continued to move. Then my sister took her hands off and it moved again. She absolutely lost it and ran from the room. Good times. Oh by the way. Am I the only one that doesn't see anything in the original video?
  18. Thinking about making the trip up.
  19. He worked in Norfolk for several years and then switched down to Atlanta. His name is Roger. He was in the repair department. He left CC several years ago when all the repair work pretty much went away and went to work for JVC.
  20. Glad to hear you guys had a good time despite the poor circumstances. My uncle lost his pension when Circuit City folded.
  21. They've been laughing at this team my whole life. I'm 37 years old. So what's new? Of course it pisses me off, but not as much as it used to.
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