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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. You put way too much effort into this. It comes down to the fact that the Bills just have to start winning football games one way or another.
  2. Has he played a down of football in his life? You don't create a winning culture by losing games.
  3. I think the factor you're leaving out of that equation is Buffalo is a proven football market with a nationwide fan base. Living in Virginia Beach I can tell you for sure that putting a team here would be nothing more than a crap shoot and would not spark any interest on the national level. I suspect the same is true for most of the cities on that list. Having said that what an interesting list. I know it's nothing more than someone's pipe dream version, but it really would be a cool league.
  4. In your opinion what is standout this year? Because I played the demo and didn't really get into it. Just curious to hear your opinion.
  5. You should just trade in your Wii for a real console instead.
  6. That's a good deal. Thanks for the head's up.
  7. I have played the demo. There seemed to be a newish feel to me that was enough to make me want to play more. I can totally understand someone that says they won't be getting it due to it being the same damn game every year. I wish I had the willpower. At least I didn't buy NCAA this year......yet.
  8. I finally caved and have it pre-ordered. I'm getting tired of playing with such an awful team. Maybe we should make a TBD league on 360.
  9. It's not going to happen in one year no matter how much we want it to. The key is to just get good players every chance you can with no regard for position. I am a big best available player proponent, but tackle is becoming an area of extreme need for this team.
  10. It'd be nice if the Bills caught a break and got a good performer for a change.
  11. Based on Bills history why would that surprise you? Add in the fact that he was the first RB taken and it's a recipe for a protracted holdout.
  12. Any chance you have another link?
  13. Yeah I always liked the white jerseys and blue pants.
  14. He's the musical equivalent of a Che Guevara T-Shirt.
  15. Yeah they're definitely flattering themselves by referring to themselves as "mid-level." "Alright Cleveland I want you to help me one time. Let's use the power of Christ and guitars to stomp that devil."
  16. Christian Heavy Metal? No wonder they can't make any money. You're doing it wrong guys.
  17. I like Incognito as well, but there's no way we can know all of the dynamics involved in a decision like this. We just have to trust that they made the right choice. It'd be nice if they started repaying that trust a little bit.
  18. If it's going to happen it'll be at least three years.
  19. My coach was in love with running with the fullback. Our fullback was slow and not really all that powerful, but for some reason Coach loved to run those plays.
  20. Based on reading the obit it seems that Wichita has lost a quality guy.
  21. Are you my high school football coach?
  22. Not many of those in Nicaragua. Maybe they'll take the contestants to the zoo.
  23. Cool. I lived in Bangkok from 1999-2004. You're right about it being a B word to catch a Bills game. Whoever picked which games to show on UBC back in those days definitely must have been a 49ers fan. Stayed up until 4 am to watch the Home Run Throwback in my living room. Man was I pissed. PM me if you get a chance I'd like to swap Thailand stories. Born Buffalo 72 Lived in Springville until 80 Moved to Virginia Beach Bangkok 99-04 Back to Virginia Beach Now Chesapeake
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