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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. That's true, but fair or not it's serving as a litmus test for whether or not the NFL makes sense in Toronto. So far they're failing hard.
  2. At first I was totally against this Toronto series. After last night I'm still against it, but I think there is a big positive involved with these games. Ralph or any future owner is getting a good look at what a potential move to Toronto would bring. A half-empty stadium and more people cheering for the visiting team. Doesn't seem that appealing.
  3. Since their town doesn't exist, I'm sure they're fine with it.
  4. It's the name of the naval air station and thus some of the houses around it are in the Oceana neighborhood. There is, however, no Oceana, VA.
  5. From the article: "Oceana, Va" No such place. Good work Time.
  6. You know certain actors seem to get labeled with this, but realistically how many actors out there don't just play the same character in every movie?
  7. Being a comic book nerd I definitely had heard of the comic series prior to seeing the movie, but had never read the series. I probably would not have seen it in the theater as I was a bit lukewarm based on the previews and really wasn't that into seeing it. My friend, however, really wanted to see it and I had nothing better to do so I agreed to go. I was glad I did. It was funny, visually appealing, and a unique story and presentation.
  8. It's not just one preseason game. It's 160 regular season games and 40 or so preseason games of mediocre at best and downright putrid at worst football. That's enough to wear anyone down.
  9. If it weren't for Gary Sherrone, Van Hagar would be the worst Van Halen.
  10. Too late guys. Nobody cares. And Wolfgang replacing Michael Anthony is still an insult of epic proportions.
  11. Spin it anyway you want to, but getting beat 42-17 sucks no matter what kind of game it is. It's an embarrassment.
  12. For a minute I thought that was Fred Jackson and CJ Spiller. Nice pics man. At least you got something positive out of the trip.
  13. Exactly. Just once before I die I'd like to see the kind of team in Buffalo that opposing coaches think "WTF am I going to do? Buffalo is coming to town next week."
  14. Just got back from that movie. It's friggin great. Go see it.
  15. Oh well that makes sense. The well paid professional athletes that represent the city of Buffalo and all Bills fans around the world were just TIRED. I feel better already.
  16. I've been reading posts like this for years. Somehow the optimistic tone of the threads never translates into the Bills winning games.
  17. Man I'm not sure I'm ready for another year of this bull ****.
  18. Depends on if you're playing exhibition or franchise. Either way you just change the depth chart. When it's in exhibition just hit start go to coaching options and then depth chart. In franchise go to roster and then depth chart.
  19. It'd be great if it happened. But it's the Bills so it probably won't. BTW, he's already the starter on my Madden team. His mobility gives him a big edge.
  20. As a Notre Dame fan I got to see a lot of Clausen. I never had the feeling that he'd make it as an NFL QB. The guy could prove me and a lot of other critics wrong, but he hasn't done it yet.
  21. Well I admit that I am basing my assessment on limited data. I played one game against my brother in law. He beat me for the first time ever. So that colors my perception of how bad the team is. The defense is passable. The O-line is terrible and Trent is really inaccurate. So pretty realistic if you ask me. I used Spiller instead of Jackson. He was the lone bright spot on the offense.
  22. So I ended up getting Madden. One thing they definitely got right this year is the Bills are absolutely terrible. I mean they've been a tough team to play with for years, but this year they are just atrociously bad.
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