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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. What're you doing in Bangkok? I lived there for five years. Haven't been back in about four, but want to go back.
  2. Good point. I'm sure playing a knock down drag out game late Monday night followed by a Saturday game didn't help much either.
  3. Where do you guys watch the game? Maybe I'll stop by tomorrow. I have the day free of the wife and kid and am craving some wings. Not the boneless variety. What the hell is that anyway? Those aren't wings, those are chicken mcnuggets. It irritates me to no end when I order wings and they ask me "traditional or boneless." WINGS!!! I want WINGS damn you.
  4. How the !@#$ did that team lose the Super Bowl? AAARRGHH! The pain of being a Bills fan.
  5. Does anyone in Buffalo just get injured and then come back a little later? I know it's not the case, but it seems like they just get sent straight to IR.
  6. The worst team they've ever seen in the NFL or the worst Bills team they've ever seen? Either way it's a stupid opinion, but if they're saying the worst in NFL history then it just brings it to a whole new level of stupidity.
  7. Yeah I'm thinking like back in high school they should just name him team manager and he can get the guys towels and water bottles.
  8. I can really see them starting 0-4, but I just don't see 0-16 as possible. I'm usually on the pessimistic side of things, but I just don't see the Bills as that level of bad.
  9. I really don't understand where these people are coming from with article like this. The Bills are still a bad football team, but they're not, and haven't been for a long time, THAT bad.
  10. That's a big one with me too. It shouldn't be an issue if I don't have enough players of a certain position. Just let me fill out my 53 man roster how I want to. If I want 53 punters then STFU and let me do that. Overall though I am happy with my purchase this year. The game is enough of an improvement to at least keep me playing it. It would be nice to have some actual innovation, but we all knew that was dead the day EA signed the exclusivity deal.
  11. Obviously. I stand by my statement though. He'll come to regret this move. It won't end well. I wish the guy all the luck, but I don't feel he'll be successful at Kansas. More because it's Kansas than because he's Turner Gill.
  12. Pretty soon Turner Gill will as well.
  13. Phish. Besides the pot I don't understand why people pack those shows.
  14. $350 to watch games on my computer? HAHAHA. Yeah good luck with that.
  15. I really think youth, lack of talent, and the tough schedule will conspire to doom the Bills to a bad record this year, but I really like what I am seeing from this regime. Hopefully they keep building off the positives and get the Bills back to winning.
  16. OK you got me. I'm really Bruce Smith. And would you quit PMing me?
  17. I can only speak of what happened around here, but in the 80s you couldn't find a Cowboys fan. I know there were some around in the 70s, but they seem to have gone into hibernation during the 80s and didn't come out until Aikman, Smith, and Irvin came to town. Then they were everywhere. I know a little bit of bandwagon effect is to be expected, but when the Cowboys are bad you're hard pressed to find their fans.
  18. You must not remember much of the 80s.
  19. I was really hoping he'd turn into something. Oh well maybe the practice squad.
  20. I'd take either one of those guys over Maybin.
  21. When other teams' garbage is better than what you have on your team, what are you supposed to do?
  22. No not at all. The article is about how some parents are looking to give their kids an edge in school by holding off for a year. Thus being more developed than the competition. Both the article and the poster that I was conversing with make the assertion that the academic expectations are more rigorous in Kindergarten and subsequent grades. Nowhere in the article does it discuss two income households. The poster decided to slide that in as if its an explanation for everything that is bad in the education system. I asked him to elaborate as to how this is at all relevant to the article. His original assertion that parents not having enough time to spend with kids is leading to schools imposing stricter academic regimens seems counter-intuitive to me. If parents have less time to devote to their child's development wouldn't they be encouraging schools to be more inclusive and thus allowing children at a YOUNGER age to be going to school?
  23. Great theory, except that isn't what the article is about. As a matter of fact the phenomenon that the article describes is pretty much the opposite of what you're saying.
  24. Care to elaborate on what this has to do with two income families and daycare?
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