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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. If you want to improve the linebackers, improve the defensive line. It's that simple.
  2. I'm not saying it's a great reason, but I don't see why he'd be against the idea of playing NT in the Redskins' 3-4, but love the idea of coming to Buffalo and playing DE. That's just nonsense.
  3. I like one through three. I don't think the Bills need to draft a QB. Offensive or defensive line should be the first pick. I don't think players need to be ready to contribute from day one. If there is talent that can be molded and you can get them at a "discount" because they come from a small school, why not? This team isn't going to contend next year, so build for the future and hope some of these guys like Troup and Carrington can be a part of the defense's rebuilding.
  4. You do understand why he's being such a difficult guy in this situation, right?
  5. Not LB, defensive LINE. When you have a good to great defensive line linebackers are a dime a dozen. When you have a ragtag group on the line the linebackers start to look like scrubs. I'm not saying the Bills have enough talent at linebacker, but with an improvement in the defensive line it becomes an easier hole to fill.
  6. I think if the Bills are smart they take nothing but linemen in this draft. If you want to sprinkle a few LBs in there that's fine too, but they need a serious overhaul on both lines and the best way to get it done is the scatter gun approach.
  7. Maybe he just put the team on his back like Greg Jennings NSFW language
  8. Russia in 2018 sounds like fun. Qatar, not so much.
  9. I'm not sure which is worse, the song or the video. It's a close call.
  10. "Instead, they are 2-9, wondering why teams like the Bucs and the Rams and the 49ers are talking about the playoffs, and why they are talking about what might have been. Again." That part isn't hard to figure out at all. If the Bills played in the NFC West they'd be right in the playoff hunt.
  11. Minnesota in December. Oh, you're in for a treat.
  12. I got over it super quick. It just didn't matter. Pittsburgh got the message, the Bills aren't a pushover anymore. Hopefully Stevie learned a big lesson and ultimately there's a little bit of consolation in the fact that it helped our draft position. I'd much rather have won the game, but it's not as bad as some of the crap we've put up with this decade.
  13. Hell no. I think the Bills are going to win this weekend.
  14. Your loss. That was a great show.
  15. I've never understood why people want a license plate cover in the first place.
  16. Barely hanging on is exactly how I would describe my interest in the show. There are elements of a good show in there somewhere, but it pretty much fails on all levels. I think habit is the only thing that is keeping me watching it at this point.
  17. With the benefit of age I would not, but as a 15 year old this is the closest thing to heaven I could have imagined.
  18. Me too. This team is a team that you can be proud of despite their record.
  19. He had a bad game. Cost the team a game in fact. Hopefully he learns from it and grows as a player.
  20. Seems like those teams should have placed more emphasis on that position.
  21. I hope this goes somewhere. The actual process of the colonoscopy is nothing, but the prep is horrific. If I never have to do that again I'll be happy.
  22. Yeah, I guess I didn't elaborate on my point well. They're getting a loan at a reduced interest rate from the community and then will probably turn around and screw the community in the end.
  23. Is Stevie trying to become the mayor of Buffalo? Because he seems to be saying all the right things.
  24. Yeah sounds like a great plan. Allows someone to buy the Bills using other people's money. Then when the loan is paid off gets to move the team for a new sweetheart deal. Sounds great.
  25. The funny thing is most of the stuff was available online before any of that madness started. I got almost everything I would have wanted from shopping on Black Friday the night before Thanksgiving from the comfort of my home.
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