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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. It's thinking like this that has gotten the Bills into the spot they are in. Everything on offense and defense begins with the line. If you're not solid on the line nothing else matters. You can have all star cornerbacks, but they can't cover the receiver all day if the pressure doesn't get to the QB. You can have the best receivers, but if the QB doesn't have time to get the ball to them it doesn't matter. Let's fix the lines first and then start worrying about other stuff.
  2. To tell you the truth I'd be happy with either Fairley or Dareus. I think they are both going to be a force in the NFL.
  3. Well I just saved some money. Not going to California for this.
  4. From the information I've managed to gather, car salesman is a terrible occupation.
  5. Ray Lewis is 250 lbs. Probably more on any given day.
  6. I guess we have a different definition of great. I don't consider the fifth best QB in the league great. I consider him good.
  7. We've been laboring under that philosophy for long enough. I want to start getting the players that actually weigh 255 lbs. and play like they weigh 275.
  8. Like I said in the shoutbox yesterday Ben Roethlisberger is not why the Steelers win. He's not a bad quarterback by any stretch of the imagination, but he's not a great quarterback. It is, however, a great team and a great organization.
  9. A Game of Thrones. First book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin. If you read that series and don't like it you have poor taste.
  10. Man I feel old. I'm about to be 39. She's 42 according to her and 41 according to the article and they're acting like she's an 80 year old woman out there.
  11. I never thought I'd be happy to see Dave Wannstedt come on board, but here it is. As others have stated it is a move that signals the Bills are interested in getting better.
  12. Getting old sucks.
  13. Not me. Chefs tend to over-think the toppings.
  14. I think investing so much in the Donahoe years and still coming up short. Losing that game to Pittsburgh's scrubs to miss the playoffs was the knife in the back of this franchise.
  15. I hear you. A large pizza from my favorite independent pizza place around here runs me about 20 bucks. Hurts my wallet every time I pay that for a pizza, but it's worth it as an occasional treat.
  16. I used to believe this. In the past 5-10 years I can't tolerate bad pizza. I still like bad sex though.
  17. Mom and Pop, but please don't fall into the trap that a lot of Mom and Pop places fall into. They get set in their ways and begin to make things difficult for their customers. I understand why a lot of them don't want to accept payment with debit cards, but it gives me another reason to not visit your store. Also, when possible update the look of your place.
  18. What a horribly formatted article.
  19. It would indeed be an indication of serious Ralph is. I'm not holding my breath.
  20. I'm sure he'll require more salary than $10 an hour, which leaves us out of the running.
  21. I would love to have a player like this that does his talking on the field after a win instead of on twitter.
  22. Jim Leonhard on this defense would be disaster. Kudos to him for carving out an NFL career, but you're delusional if you think he could be a solid every down safety on this team.
  23. Sanchez is a winner. Fitzpatrick isn't yet. Maybe he never will be. I say Sanchez.
  24. How many Bills players do you think were initially happy when they were drafted by Buffalo? You mean to tell me that a guy from Alabama doesn't want to play in a place where snow can be piled high in the winter? I'm so surprised.
  25. I agree. It's nice to have both, but the more important thing is to have a dominant defense (built from the line up) and a solid offensive line. Without those things your franchise QB just looks like a bum. With those things any average QB starts to look promising.
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