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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Is it racist to say blacks make better defensive backs? If it's true it's true. Neither statement excludes the other race, but it's pretty clear cut to me.
  2. Ralph is cheap with the last mile. He'll pay for players, but not for the right person to figure out which players to pay for. He also doesn't want to spend money making the facilities top notch.
  3. I don't care who you have lined up at linebacker, if you have a weak defensive line you're going to get pushed around like the Bills were last year. Fix the line first and then fill in the holes. It's a lot easier to acquire talent at LB than it is at defensive line in the NFL.
  4. Me neither. I also don't want a friggin linebacker. Draft talent and draft size. The defensive line needs help. A strong line will make the rest of the defense better.
  5. That's a good list. Carimi would be a no-brainer with the second pick. Unfortunately, he won't be there.
  6. I guess Bill Belichick sees something the geniuses on this board must have missed.
  7. What an odd interview. I would have asked them if they could stop touching me.
  8. No thanks. Undersized LBs have no business being picked 3rd.
  9. There is no favorite other team for me. It's just the Bills.
  10. Why not? He would make a great 3-4 end. Fairley has rare talent. Mark my words. Not taking him because he isn't there at 3 is understandable, not taking him because he doesn't "fit" our defense is foolhardy.
  11. Yeah well this guy's lifting is impressive and all, but I don't know if he's heard that Torrell Troup is working on a wheel. Let's see how he does on a wheel before we talk about drafting him.
  12. I never said either Carrington or Johnson were rookies. Just not good enough to keep Stroud off the field. If they were then we wouldn't even be having this conversation. The point I was making is don't keep casting off players before you have a capable replacement. As far as the sacks, Stroud isn't a pass rusher. He is a 4-3 DT playing DE because the Bills seem to think you can just magically switch to a 3-4 without any of the personnel need. It's just another in a long line of stupid mistakes that have kept the Bills in the cellar and will continue to keep the Bills in the cellar.
  13. It's not reason to imagine a scenario that is absurd. Buffalo being the highest offer given to Ngata is an absurd scenario. Even in the unlikely event Ralph opened the checkbook it would have to be an over the top larger offer to interest him enough to leave a playoff team to go to the team with the third pick in the draft.
  14. Well he's under contract. Shut up and play. I'm kind of sick of the front office bending over backwards to pave the way out of town for disgruntled players. This very well might end up being a positive move, but I wish I believed it was anything more than a way to save Ralph Wilson a few bucks, yet again.
  15. There's a whole lot of "if" in there. Yeah when is all this acquired goodwill going to start paying dividends for the Bills? I keep waiting for it to happen and it never seems to.
  16. The point being that despite being on the downward slope and playing out of position he was better than whatever else we have. Now if they don't go out and bring in a free agent we'll be relying on a rookie to make an impact. I'm all for improving the team, but wait until you have a replacement before you start trimming the roster.
  17. Great. Makes defensive line even more of a need. I really hope they're planning on bringing someone in during free agency.
  18. As if the Ravens and 30 other teams wouldn't be lining up to throw money at him? Like I said you guys and your dreams.
  19. You guys and your dreams. Legitimate NFL franchises don't let players like Ngata just walk away. And even if they did, what makes you think he'd want to go to Buffalo? The Bills had their chance and decided to take an undersized DB.....again.
  20. When I saw this thread bumped I knew that would be the news. Sucks.
  21. Fairley playing a 3-4 DE or a 4-3 DT. He's going to be a sick player in either.
  22. DTs are NOT a dime a dozen in the NFL. They are the building blocks to great defenses. The Bills don't have anything like a good rotation. They also are in need of a pass rushing DE. When running a 3-4 you need a LARGE run stuffing DT and a DE that can get after the QB. We have neither. Great defensive lines make CBs look better, not the other way around.
  23. 3. Buffalo Bills Patrick Peterson | CB | LSU [Jr.] Could make an average pass rush look better, bring playmaking return skills. Boy have they got that ass backwards.
  24. It's the one thing that they probably won't screw up. So it becomes safe to be interested in it because, unlike the regular season, it could lead to something good.
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