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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. They probably did, but it takes a while for the cops to respond.
  2. I know from first hand experience (10 on 2) that employees of McDonald's won't lift a finger to help you in situations like this.
  3. I really wish I hadn't clicked that.
  4. Damn, so what you're saying is either way we miss Halloween.
  5. So what's the spin going to be on May 22nd? I suspect something along the lines of "Aren't you glad it wasn't? Were you prepared?"
  6. As others have pointed out the Patriots would never offer this, but if they did the Bills would be fools to turn down the deal.
  7. I think you're giving them too much credit. I don't think there's a chance in hell Hillis ends up on the cover. No matter what the "voting" says. It will be Vick and they will revel in all the negative publicity the move receives. Confident that nobody that was going to buy the game will be bothered enough by Vick on the cover to not buy the game.
  8. So does he now have to report the $237 check as income?
  9. CJ Spiller is up there too.
  10. How many years of data do they have to look at? I know from personal experience my understanding of Geometry and Trigonometry improved exponentially when I started working as a draftsman and used AutoCAD. I don't think anyone is advocating getting rid of tangible items in learning, but we are just at the beginning stages of figuring out how computers can be used in educating children. I think it's a shame if the potential were derailed by a bunch of naysayers that didn't even want to explore it because "That's not how they did things back in the good old days."
  11. Just a preview of what lies in store for Miller in the NFL. If he gets on a team with a solid defensive line he has a chance to be a great LB. On the Bills he's Aaron Maybin 2.0.
  12. For those jumping on the "He's not too small" bandwagon I challenge you to look at ANY highlight video of Von Miller and tell me he's not a small LB. Here's one to get you started. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoQII6vrPHE If you can watch this video and tell me that's still the player you want the Bills to draft then I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
  13. How is this "ridiculous?" I think it's a great idea. You ever been around a kid that age when using an Ipad? They friggin love it and actually are receptive when learning things in this format.
  14. Oh he'll be there alright.
  15. At some point you need to get some real talent on this team. Yes the Bills need bodies in a lot of places, but they also need a few stars to get the team to the next level.
  16. Of the players mentioned for the Bills to take Miller is my least favorite. I really feel like he would be a huge mistake at 3. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
  17. So who is mystery man F? I don't feel like looking it up.
  18. It's a bit hard to take your opinion seriously when you can't remember Travis Henry.
  19. To me it looks like someone got a hold of some of these. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91JOXYFA3Cc To me it looks like someone got a hold of some of these. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91JOXYFA3Cc This video shows a better view of what these look like from a distance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgEgOyXy1Wg
  20. Or Von Miller. Or Cam Newton.
  21. I agree. Baseball would be way better if there were only 50± games a season.
  22. So what they're saying is Rochester needs a game too.
  23. If there's a god that goes around causing earthquakes to get people to worship him, I'd rather just go to hell.
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