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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Why trade him? I don't understand why everyone is always in a rush to make this team worse.
  2. Yeah well the mayor of Norfolk told my friend in an elevator that they were really working hard on getting the Montreal Expos when they moved. Look how well that worked out.
  3. Look if Jasper makes the team it'll be a really great story. If he somehow manages to contribute it'll be a steal in the 7th round. The ceiling is really high on the guy because of his freakish size and strength. However, he has a LONG road to go. Let's not start penciling him in as a starter.
  4. Did anyone else find this line odd? So it's the third largest anchor recovered on the ship. Kind of makes for a weak headline.
  5. I think it'd be a bonanza for a few players and an utter disaster for the majority of players, majority of owners, and a majority of fans.
  6. Me neither. Heroes Con in Charlotte is going to be awesome....uh you weren't talking about that were you?
  7. I hope you're wrong about this. I told my son if he stayed on the honor roll all year I'd take him to his first Bills game in the fall. Well he's two weeks away from making that happen and I really hope he doesn't miss his first Bills game because of this nonsense.
  8. "Amtrak does have a policy that riders can’t use cell phones in designated “quiet cars,” like the one in which Beard was riding." That's hilarious. She was in the quiet car, talked for 16 hours straight, and then felt disrespected when people finally told her "Enough."
  9. It's weird how to my eyes looking at pictures of people from long ago in color makes them look more like modern people. Almost like they're just actors in a movie rather than the stoic iconic people that I see in old black and white photos.
  10. I'm with you. I'd add Open Water to that as well.
  11. Buffalo Bills scoring touchdowns and giving up field goals. Remember what that was like?
  12. The sad thing is it's much more difficult to make a worst list than it is a best list.
  13. That guy's no MMA fighter. He's one of those black belt wanna be types.
  14. You answered your own question. Good on you.
  15. It seems like every year there's a player from the draft that people around here irrationally focus on and pin their hopes to. I guess this year it's Jasper. I hope he develops into an all-pro. I suspect by September we won't know his name.
  16. I don't care how many picks they have. If Luck plays like he did last year whatever team is drafting first is going to take him.
  17. Anyone else completely hate everyone on their facebook today? Half of the people were worried that we were celebrating too much and the other half was worried to death that someone might give Obama some credit.
  18. Also when was the last time you saw a college game played in bad weather? That doesn't happen as much as people think. For the most part all the college games are played before Thanksgiving and the Bowl games are all played in good weather or in a dome. So what exactly is the advantage to having played at a "cold weather" school?
  19. Considering the best college football is played South of the Mason-Dixon line I don't see what the problem is.
  20. I'm surprised some people don't like the picks thus far. For the first time in quite a while I'm optimistic about the Bills' draft. In my opinion they have added three solid defensive players. Of course there are other holes on the team to fill, but you can't fill them all at once. They only had three picks so far. I believe they have found three future starters. That's more than most entire drafts of late. Time will tell, but I think the Bills finally get it.
  21. Relax. The Bills defense is better today than it was two days ago.
  22. I can buy into most of what your criticisms. I don't agree with them, but I can see how someone could have that opinion. However, saying Daquan Bowers has no explosion just seems like an incorrect statement to me. I watch a fair amount of ACC football and that guy has some explosion. He can disappear from a game at times and he does have the bum knee, but the guy can do some exciting things on the football field.
  23. Bowers would be awesome. As would Brooks Reed or Justin Houston. However, I think I just might want the guy that can do this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JAGjrVJ8qk
  24. For the first time in years I'm completely satisfied with the Bills first round pick. Dareus is an important step towards building a dominant defense. If either Troup or Carrington can get it together the defensive line can now be a strength rather than a liability. I was so happy that Newton, Miller, and Gabbert weren't the pick.
  25. Maybe they mistook him for Aaron Maybin, since they have a similar build.
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