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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Yeah flying would be my choice as well but with three of us that's not a cheap option (It'd cost us $884 actually). That route looks like the one I'm going to take. I used to do that route with the only variation being going through DC instead of going 17, but based on looking at the map there isn't much point in braving the DC traffic.
  2. Forgive my ignorance, but are all invited and what are you asked to bring/contribute? I'm going to be there for the home opener with my wife and son and would love to join in.
  3. Save it for what? The only saving it would accomplish is saving Ralph Wilson some more money.
  4. I'll be attending the home opener. This is the first time since JP Losman made his debut. Heck now that I think of it I flew that time. So it's probably been about ten years since I've driven up to Buffalo. Which route do you guys take? I'm down in Chesapeake. If I remember correct I think it takes about 11 hours. Does that sound right to you?
  5. I don't understand why some people are against the idea of bringing Donte back at a reasonable salary.
  6. Great. So if the object of the game were to impress old ladies at a tea party I guess the Bills would be perennial powerhouses.
  7. Well I guess SOMEBODY has never seen the Bad News Bears.
  8. I would have been happy with at least holding our ground. The Bills are a worse team today than they were yesterday. I don't expect big name signings, but a few moderate signings in need positions would be nice.
  9. Here are the two wikipedia entries for these jets. See if you think there's a meaningful difference between the two. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F/A-18_Hornet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonnell_Douglas_CF-18_Hornet
  10. If you really think there's a difference between an F-18 and a CF-18 I'd like to hear it. Seems to me it's the same plane with a different upgrade package.
  11. It's not dead on, but definitely favors the F-18 more than the F-16. Canada does actually fly F-18s.
  12. You're in Chesapeake too! We should start a club......oh yeah.
  13. As much as I'd love to go to some Destroyers games, I've said all along that I don't think they'll play a down.
  14. I'd love to move back, but the Buffalo winters mean it's a no go for my wife.
  15. I wonder if this means an extra commercial break. Touchdown is scored "We'll be right back while they look at the replay." Comes back from commercial to kick the extra point. Cue commercials again. Edit: Damn PTR's post right above me saying the same thing.
  16. I'm torn. He's better than anybody else we've got at LB, but he's not good enough to be worth the salary that he will command. I think it's a step backwards to let him go, but I understand not wanting to invest the money in this guy.
  17. I'd be all for it, but I highly doubt it.
  18. I'm not even kidding, if I were Seattle I'd stand pat with Losman before I gave up a 1st and a 3rd for Kolb.
  19. For the effort he's given at Sirius they'd be better off. By the way I used to be a huge Stern fan, but the show is unlistenable these days.
  20. Nice. That guy is on my Madden team. I'll reward him with a little extra on his next contract.
  21. For some reason there are a lot of people on this board very worried about saving Ralph as much money as possible.
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