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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. It would be different if I just saw a team that was out there going through the motions and not wanting to tip their hand. What I see is an offensive line that is getting physically abused and a QB that can't hit the broad side of a barn. That's what worries me.
  2. I really think the answer is to move the touchback to the 25 or the 30. Give the kicker some incentive to try to finesse the ball rather than blast it through the back of the endzone. Although I guess that doesn't align with the NFL's goal of less kickoffs, so I guess we'll be stuck watching touchback after touchback.
  3. In addition to the obvious offensive line fiasco, it looks like Fitzpatrick has completely forgotten how to throw the ball. He didn't look nearly capable of being an NFL QB last night.
  4. Gee Carson, didn't you think that if you treated the Bengals so shabbily that they just MIGHT take it out on your brother? I'm kind of surprised he's still on the team.
  5. It is a damn shame that so many of these guys burn through money the way they do. With just the minimum amount of restraint and planning they would never have to worry about money EVER again. But I guess that doesn't get ice around your neck and make it rain Franklins in the club.
  6. Another step towards cutting my cable TV. I am going to think long and hard about this over the next couple of days.
  7. Kind of like me when I stock up on Wardynskis hot dogs whenever I go to Buffalo. One year we flew back with 60 lbs of frozen hot dogs.
  8. That article makes my blood boil. Thank you Frank Darabont for trying to fight the good fight against these idiots. They have a money maker on their hands and they are determined to ruin it. Maybe they should take a look at Heroes for an example of how a show can go really wrong after a fantastic start.
  9. It'd be much better if they drafted a player from a good Northern school like Penn State. Like say Aaron Maybin. How'd that work out? I don't care where the players are from. Get some guys on the field that are big, strong, tough, and fast. Everything else is superfluous.
  10. I'm getting sick of the front office granting these requests. He was a player under contract and had no leverage in this situation. "Shut up and help this team get better" is what I would have told him.
  11. The sad thing about this is anyone posting on this board could have done better if given the chance. Hell, you'd do better than this by just buying a draft magazine and picking who they say you should draft. Incompetence on this level seems almost deliberate.
  12. I've given up trying to figure out which Bills jersey to buy. They never stick around long enough to justify shelling out the money. Maybe I'll just get one with my name on it.
  13. You're right. We should all be posting about how great it will be to have an extra 4th round pick next year. While we're at it I suppose we should also praise all the great decisions this organization has made over the past 10 years.
  14. I get what you're saying and appreciate such a well informed reply. I just think when you have a TV show like Walking Dead the normal rules of TV shouldn't necessarily apply. There is an established fanbase that will support the show by buying products like DVDs. I hope I'm wrong, but it just feels like this season is setting up to be a disaster.
  15. Even worse they've cut the budget for the show. How the hell do you have the hottest show on cable and decide to cut the show? This is a Wilson-esque decision.
  16. I hope you Wilson defenders realize this move is about nothing more than saving a couple million dollars this year. Wilson is nothing more than a parasite on this team. This move makes zero football sense. It's all about the bottom line.
  17. I'm not sure why you're grabbing your nuts when you take a leak or why they have "juice" on them, but I'm pretty sure you're doing it wrong.
  18. It sure is. Search "Buffalo Bills Now" in the iTunes directory.
  19. I wasn't excited about the prospect of a new Conan movie, but I saw a trailer in the theater this weekend and I think they just might have pulled a good movie together. I'm still a bit leery, but I have a lot more hope for it being good than I once did. Really all they had to do to make a good movie was do an adaptation of Busiek's Conan run for Dark Horse and then come up with an effects budget.
  20. Anyone have any good ones to suggest? I already listen to Sal's podcast, but am looking for one or two more to add to my queue.
  21. What kinds of goods are you going to exchange?
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